An idea I've been pondering..

Very good points here. I'll add my opinion as well. We have two kids (6 and 9) with another on the way. I have a black lab. I have a two door. I love my two door. I refuse to get a four door mostly because that's all I ever see any more. The two door, to me, is almost a unique sight. It sounds funny saying that...

Anyway - here's the catch and the why: My wife drives a Traverse that seats seven people. We take her car everywhere. I'll take the kids to school, pick them up, or go out for dinner on nice days occasionally. I'll have a baby seat in my Jeep at some point. However, I wouldn't have the luxury to drive the two door if she didn't have her larger vehicle. If you have another vehicle that can help share in those responsibilities, you'll be okay for awhile. Also, as mentioned, if you wait a few years, you'll have more saved up to do what you really want to your four door. There is still a lot that you can do with your two door that doesn't require a stretch.
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