Air Force

Do not forget the Air Force also has substandard living allowance when deployed. When I was in Afghanistan for 11 months the AF bubba's received extra bucks due to the living conditions. As for deployments they are what they are. Prior to OIF, OEF and New Dawn I had deployed 8 times on 8 different ships ranging from 3-6 months. Deployments are just that part of the job.

Navy Tuition Assistance now pays a flat rate of up to $750 per credit for 16 credits. Picking the school is key. I was able to complete my masters in education in 18 months on the Navy's dime with only money coming out of my pocket was for books. Just need to do your homework, no pun intended.

I'm also active duty Navy. My rate is a Master at Arms. What is that? Its a Navy Police Officer. I graduated high school in 2009 thinking I was going to go reserve and be a local LEO in Virginia. Who of all people pushed me in the active duty direction? My mother. I've only been in for 4 years and just signed on for another 4, but I can honestly say its been the best decision of my life. I went to basic at 18 years old .. Was 19 at my first command. Now that I read all of these other guys posting, I'm a lifer. I love my job. Yes, the hours suck at times, but you go home, rest and get up and get back on the grind. MOST of the time, our hours are easy. 8 hours, 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 3 days off .. It equals out to me only working 15 days a month.. Can't get better than that. Now I work so little that I have a part time job and I go to school online. Now with all that being said, if I could go back and change how I did it, I wouldn't change a thing. I like knowing that if I stay on the straight and narrow for another 16 years. I'll retire by
38 . That's young .
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