2023 MOPAR Easter Jeep Safari Concept Teasers


Staff member
Well, it's almost that time of year again and just like they always do, Mopar is starting to put out some teasers of what they'll have on display at the 57th Annual Moab Easter Jeep Safari. Here's what they've posted up so far.




And with that, I'd love to know what you think about what you're seeing? Anything catch your eye? :cool:
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LOL - not gonna lie, I've been seriously less than impressed with what Mopar has been calling "concepts" over the last few years. Sure, some of the rigs on display were nice but more in the kind of bolt on catalog parts kind of way, just as you've noted. Love em or hate em, this is what they were putting out back when Daimler was still in control.

And, I apologize for the crappy pics but some of these were taken with the best digital cameras we had back then.

Well before there was a JK, this is what we saw as a concept for the future.

And who can forget these beauties.

Now those... those were true "concepts", as in, visions of what's possible in the future. Or at least, in my opinion anyway. But hey, that's just me.
Still love the nukizer!

That 2-door rendering has some strange elements. No hinges for the door…looks like an early 70’s bronco tub replacement. Also, the front fenders look semi flat or high clearance but the backs do not. Seems a little mismatched to me. And the “vent” on the front fender / quarter panel seems a bit oddly placed.
Still love the nukizer!

That 2-door rendering has some strange elements. No hinges for the door…looks like an early 70’s bronco tub replacement. Also, the front fenders look semi flat or high clearance but the backs do not. Seems a little mismatched to me. And the “vent” on the front fender / quarter panel seems a bit oddly placed.
Did you notice that the tail lights look a bit Gladiatorish too?
Agree with everyone else here, in recent years the "concepts" are really just clean builds showcasing all the Mopar accessories with some exceptions like the J6, still want that to go into production.

And seems like the same here this year, the green one just looks like the Magneto... again. Probably gonna be all 4XE and electric crap 🙄
Well, it's almost that time of year again and just like they always do, Mopar is starting to put out some teasers of what they'll have on display at the 57th Annual Moab Easter Jeep Safari. Here's what they've posted up so far.

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And with that, I'd love to know what you think about what you're seeing? Anything catch your eye? :cool:
Those fenders look a bit more aggressive…or is it just the angle?
LOL - not gonna lie, I've been seriously less than impressed with what Mopar has been calling "concepts" over the last few years. Sure, some of the rigs on display were nice but more in the kind of bolt on catalog parts kind of way, just as you've noted. Love em or hate em, this is what they were putting out back when Daimler was still in control.

And, I apologize for the crappy pics but some of these were taken with the best digital cameras we had back then.

Well before there was a JK, this is what we saw as a concept for the future.
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And who can forget these beauties.
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View attachment 385908

Now those... those were true "concepts", as in, visions of what's possible in the future. Or at least, in my opinion anyway. But hey, that's just me.
And Sandstorm…
I hope they have some cool stuff this year. We always hit up the Mexican Restaurant and check out the MOPAR display at least once during the week. Seemed like a big line to drive the 4Xe's around on test drives.
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