2017 Goal thread


Caught the Bug
Here we go again...

2014: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?13632-2014-Goal-thread
2015: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?23369-2015-Goal-Thread
2016: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?33293-2016-Goal-Thread/page7

2016 was an interesting year with many positive and many negative events in our lives. We are looking forward to turning the page to 2017.


I suffered a pretty debilitating back injury in the fall of 2016. My number one goal is to get back to 100% and ensure it never happens again.

1) Continue physical therapy exercises daily (luckily I am married to a very skilled therapist ;))
2) Some sort of physical activity daily (including stretching or yoga daily).
3) Start weight training again. I never had any physical problems until I stopped training. Going old school with the iron.
4) Drop 40+ pounds.
5) Start riding my bikes again (both road and mountain).
6) I'd like to start taking BJJ, but need to get well and more fit first. I'll consider this my stretch goal


1) Install Dynatrac brakes
2) Install King bump stops (still sitting in the garagel)
3) Clean up wiring rats nets...install switch pros or something similar
4) Update to LED rock lights while doing #3
5) We will take a close look at the Smittybilt Recon trailer if/when it comes out. If it looks decent we will buy one and use it for camping
6) Be better on routine maintenance.
7) Finish cleaning/organizing my garage....this will make all of this section easier
8) Attend the Wayalife Moab trip if the timing works for us.


I spent a lot of time in the last year or so focused on making sure our financial future was secured. We have been fortunate to make great strides in that regard and most of it is automated now, so my goal is to not focus on it at all, but rather focus on enjoying life and living in the moment more.

1) Continue reading a book a month (a carry over from my 2016 goals which I very much enjoyed...all books from the library of course...that's for Sharkey, Overland and Russ).
2) Strive to be the best husband/father I can be.
3) Another epic Hawaii vacation...this is already being planned and shaping up nicely.
4) Learn to meditate.
5) I'd like to try a sensory deprivation tank.

Well that seems like a decent start.

What you you hope to accomplish in 2017?
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1) Get on 37s (that means driveshaft, gears, tires, possibly ProGrips, Cs, and programmer)
2) Go on at least one epic, multi-day Jeeping trip
3) Take my wife wheeling so she can experience this too
4) Go to Moab (it's only 5 hours away so I am without excuse)
5) Go on at least one trail run with other Wayalifers
6) Figure out how to fit in the garage, sell the roof rack, or make sure the house we buy has an extra tall garage

1) Read my Bible 5/7 days a week
2) Hit my goal of 8000 steps a day and do some pushups/situps throughout my day
3) Go deer hunting in the Fall
4) Get more involved with Alpine SAR team. Use Jeep to max extent for this.

1) Launch VTS and get to 3000 subscribers. That would allow my wife to cut back shifts at the hospital and myself to focus on that and quit my current day job.
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-Either lift the WK2 or just straight trade it for a JKU around tax return time
-WJ on coilovers
-WJ on 37s

-Buy a house
-Continue my healthy eating (started this mid year and my God do I feel better)
-Pay off all credit cards and keep them under 30% of their limit

-Keep selling cars!
-Sell at least 300 new cars in 2017 (I've sold 202 so far this year, which averages to about 16 a month)

-make a Wayalife run! 2017 will be the year I make it out West to wheel
1) Finish AAS degree.
2) Get a promotion at work. (More of a hope than a goal)
3) Replace aging daily driver.
Since I'll be underway for 10 months next year my goals are limited.

1. Get in better shape.
2. Hope to put on E7.
3. One or two jeep runs.
4. Rear driveshaft, rock lights and a liner for my tub.

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1) Sell house
2) Work on my degree (GI Bill expires end of January 2018)
3) Pay off as much debt as possible (will be easier if house sells)
4) Try to do more physical activities and be a little healthier.
5) Read the entire Bible.
6) Go on at least one Jeep trip (did my first ever this year and it was an incredible time).

Oh yeah...... Don't die.

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Continue to be the most honest and hardworking business owner and set an example for my employees.

Do my best to support my family and the families of my employees.

Be the best husband and father I can be. This is actually first.

The jeep stuff will all work out if the first three are done. Oh but I would love to get my death wobble cured when I get time to wrench

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Not die before Overlander
Actually use our exercise equipment
Learn 10 new songs on guitar
Catch a king salmon over 40 lbs
Catch a native steelhead
Run more trails in WA, OR, CA, NV, UT & CO
Catch a 5lb native rainbow on a 5 wt
Spend more time camping
Be a better husband & father...

Not necessarily in that order...(I think steelhead should be first...what do you think?)

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2016 Goals:
Jeep related:
1. Use it more on the trail, too many road miles - got in a few extra trips and found Palo Duro to be a great place
2. install all the parts I have sitting in my living room - still have parts laying around but getting them thinned out
3. move the psc reservoir to a better location - there is no better location in the 3.8
4. repair driver seat -done!
5. take my brother to moab EJS - done!
6. get out more with my daughter - yes! more regular outings before she goes off to college in a year

Life related:
1. lose 50+ lbs (cause of #4 above) - was making headway, 2016 took a downturn
2. clean out the stuff no longer used, simplify - have cleaned out a lot of old junk
3. add to education - take some additional courses - making progress with all the free time I've had
4. exercise regularly - does standing up count?

1. increase savings - it saved!
2. increase college fund - yes, the time is getting closer
3. sign-up 2 more clients - 2 new signed up end of 2016
4. payoff the Jeep early and apply payment to #1&2 - well it was paid off for a short time, but it saved my kister

2017 Goals:
1. Once new insurance kicks in, get knees scoped out and corrected if necessary, previous damage came back to haunt me last 5 months
2. keep cleaning out junk - I think I'm past the "hmm I may be able to use this in the future" lol
3. Education - sign up for Masters program, deciding between MBA or M.S Cybersecurity
4. Exercise!

1. Been a tough 2016 glad I saved for that rainy day, looking forward to 2017
2. keep adding to college fund
3. pay down debt
4. pay off both Jeeps (again)
5. pay off house - so close!
6. Add new clients added for 2017, push hard once industry kick back in. Hoping O&G nice recovery after the 1st qtr.

1. clean the wheels! need professional polishing
2. coil-overs? hmmm
3. LS still on the wish list
4. keep installing parts
5. be quicker to sell off parts I don't use

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