2014 Injector connectors, having trouble getting off


New member
Hey All,

I’m doing the dreaded oil cooler replacement and going ok except getting the darn injector connectors loose. Just getting the red locking feature released is difficult enough but really having trouble getting the connector off. Released the red lock and am trying to squeeze just below the red lock but can’t seem to get it to come off. Any hints or tricks?

Please help

Thanks very much

I think I got it but what a pain.

First get the red clip backed away then squeeze just below the red clip while first pushing down, then pull up and got them to release.
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I hate the connectors on these things. Seems like every one has a different procedure to get it off. They can be a pain sometimes. Glad you got it off.
Small pick works great to pop the red lock tab over. Beyond that patience and fingers like vice grips and never tug on the wire.
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