2012 tail light screws


New member
Anyone know what size screws these are.... for some reason mine all fell out while riding dirt roads. Cant find them online anywhere.
Sorry, don't know but, you might want to take one off of the other light and go down to your local hardware store to find a similar match. Finding an exact match will be tough but, being that it gets threaded into plastic, you just need to get it close and it will work.
Well I ended up going to fastenal who found some screws in stock that worked fine... each tailight has 2 of one size and 2 of a different size.

Due to my tailight gaurds (which I dont think they are sold anymore) the set up makes accessing the ohillips head screws extremely difficuly.
The Phillips head screws didnt really make take off/on of the assembly very easy. Soooo .... I replaced the missing screws with an 8 mm standard hex head screw... I bought enough for both sides so now I can just use a ratcheting wrench for maintanence.
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