2 door vs 4 door ???


New member
Alright everyone I know they both have pros and cons but im split on trading in my 2 door again for a 4 door. I have the crush orange and the only other color I was really going for is the gecko green, but if both are unavailable I was going black. I hate hate the way the 4 door looks stock but when its done up ( like most of yours on here ) they look bad ass. I love my two door so I need some pros and cons of both. EX ive come up with


pro - has more room

con - longer for fitting in tight spaces

pro - LWB

con - have to take off 4 doors rather then 2

con - some parts are more expensive ie. rock sliders

Come on guys help me out with this one im really having issues lol. I know either will be fun to wheel but the biggest pro of a 4 door is the room seeing as ill be having another kid soon and have 2 - 3 dogs. or should I just keep the 2 door and get an economy car :icon_crazy: lol
I have had both (well a CJ and TJ) and my JKU and I would not go back. After having it the ride is so much more comfortable, The space is great.

I have not found a place where the longer wheel base has hurt me.
I have had both (well a CJ and TJ) and my JKU and I would not go back. After having it the ride is so much more comfortable, The space is great.

I have not found a place where the longer wheel base has hurt me.

Thanks for ur :twocents: it helps :yup:
I have owned a CJ, TJ and even a 2-door JK and would take a 4-door JK any day of the week. In fact, I've owned 3 and still have 2 now. Even if I were single, I would still take a 4-door. As you have mentioned, they have WAY MORE room and that alone would seal the deal for me. With a longer wheelbase, they are way more comfortable and are a real advantage to have in places like Moab. On trail like the Dusy, they will take more work to get through really tight spaces but, they'll do it just fine. On the rocks, you may not be able to wiggle your way through obstacles but, a built up 4-door can just crawl up and over them. Cost difference for parts is negligible. Of course, that's just me :yup:
I'd keep the 2door as an economy car and buy the 4door. That way you can eat your cake and have it too. :) That is currently the plan for my wife and I.

All around having the room of the 4 door has been a great benefit. Taking an extra person up to the ski hill is no longer an issue with all the gear that goes with it. The passenger can easily get in and out of the back AND have room to sit and be comfortable. Hitting the trail or camping with all of our gear is no longer a struggle to pack everything we need or want (that ARB fridge is now on the list). We also almost always have an extra passenger in addition to our dog. It also rides a lot smoother on the road than a two door, no more bucking down the concrete freeway. Stability on the trail is much improved with the added wheel base.

There have been a few things I've noticed since going to a 4 door however that I miss about the TJ we had.
It is not nearly as nimble. The playful, light feeling is gone. It really does feel big.
I now have to consider if I will fit in that parallel parking spot.
I have to think about how I will make it around that turn in the trail next to the tree without tearing off the rear fender.
What was a 2point turn around is now a 20point turn around, or back out.
Break-over angle is drastically different, considering the approach and departure angles are the same.

If you have to choose between one or the other and you have a family, I would choose the 4 door. Getting family in and out of a 2 door can be a challenge. And the amount of stuff that kids require for even day trips, rivals what a single person needs for a week in the wilderness. We raised 4 kids and picked up a couple of stragglers along the way, but now, even with the empty nest, there is always someone who wants to ride along with us.

If you are looking for an escape vehicle, and only you and your significant other will be in it, then maybe the two door is for you.
I've had a YJ, TJ, and now have a JKU. I absolutely love how it tracks and rides on the highway with the longer wheelbase. The roominess inside is great for kids and all their gear. The only negative I've experienced is having to make the previously mentioned "20 point turn" to get around trees on some trails.
Had a 99 TJ and now a 2013 JKUR I wud never get a two door again I love the extra room and the benefits of the longer wheel base when off roading. Unless your a 2 door purist I would say go with the 4 door you will be glad you did in the long run. If money is an issue the 2 door is a lot cheaper but I wud just save for the 4door.

Sent from my JK
If the had the jkl available directly from jeep, no doubt I would have gotten that

Sent via carrier pigeon
With the crew you have the 4 door seems better. It's just two of us so we have a 2 door. The back seat is out and we have more than enough room. Sounds like you need the most room.
I have a 4-door JKUR. It's nice to be able to take the dog, kids, and equipment with you...comfortably. If you travel a lot, the 4-door is more comfortable to sleep in as well.

It's nice to be able to toss something in the back and then drive over stuff - like Priuses.
I love my 2 door. I love its versatility. It can be a small vehicle when I need it to be, my daily driver, and still big enough for anything I carry back and forth to work and on trips on my days off. Its legendary off road, and pretty damn comfortable on the road as well (especially compared to my old CJ7)! With that said, Its usually just me, with the occasional co worker or one or two of my kids at a time in it (they love it so much, its like an incentive for being good to ride in it)! For a family vehicle, we are considering trading the Commander in on a 4 door. We would need the extra room for the family and the fact we can take the top/doors off and use it off road are major pluses for us. As for me, I would never trade my 2 door in as my daily driver, unless its a 2016 2 door scrambler!!
THANKS EVERYONE for all the input :yup: I really appreciate it and it has all got me thinking :thinking: and I may go with JHIRES and ALLAMERICANS idea and just keep the 2 door and get a 4 door as a 3rd vehicle, the gf doesn't want to trade in her 08 2 door Sahara because it has the lifetime powertrain warranty. And ive just got to attached to mine since its the right color and everything ( almost / not quite / long way to go :cheesy: )
I've done enough major camping trips across the US hauling my mountain bikes that I needed to get the 4 door. I looked at two doors before I bought, and there was no way I would have been able to manage to haul all my gear across country comfortably in the smaller JK. I liked how it looked, but the four door gives me the local flexibility to carry things and people and gives me the room I need for those getaways.
I've had a lot of wranglers. YJ, two TJs, three JKs. The middle JK was a four door and I really never liked it. I go to Colorado and Moab several times each year and the 4door simply seemed like I was trying to drive a crew cab pickup through trails. I have no reason to have anything that big on the trails while two door wranglers are still available. My jeeps are not daily drivers and I live too far away to drive them to the trail so I always trailer. I do use my wrangler a little bit around home as a doorless convertible on nice days and really do care about what it looks like. I could never get used to a four door with the top and doors off, it just didn't look right.
Has anyone here purchased a JKUR and now thinking a JKR would have been better for them?

I've hit the limits of my break over a lot in the 12k miles I've had my JKUR and am considering trading mine for a JKR.

My tranny plate pulled a fairly large rock from the Earth yesterday afternoon. I know of I lift the vehicle and go to larger tires the issue will be reduced but the fact is a JKR wouldn't have gotten hung up at all.

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