1963 Chrysler Turbine Car

I've seen pics of this before and it's really cool to get a video walk though of it. Thanks for posting this up :cool:
Pretty amazing vehicle and the fact there's one still running today is incredible.

The first turbine engine in a car was introduced by Preston Tucker in 1948. The car was to be named the Tucker Torpedo never made it to the public.

There's a really good movie starring Jeff Bridges called Tucker that I think every any car guy would enjoy.

Thanks for posting this up.
Awesome vid. I have also seen this once before on TV, forgot what show, but was really amazed at the ingenuity and outside the box thinking Chrysler put towards this car. Also the fact that it runs on anything combustible including anything with alcohol in it really blew my mind. Obviously wouldn't really be cost effective today but I find it very ironic that we had a car like this in the '60s yet today we are losing our minds on what to replace internal combustion with. Not to mention that the oil companies won't allow it.
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