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  1. R

    Jacked up

    Let’s chat jacks I own a hi lift but the JKU didn’t come with the stock scissor jack so I am in the market for something for changing tires etc that works Offroad and doesn’t break the bank and can handle the height with 37s.
  2. R


    Alright lost two sidewalls on trail grappler 37s on the Dusy past weekend. So YAY I get to spend a grip and get new tires. Never blown a sidewall and was under the impression Trail Grapplers were very highly rated. Anyone have any technical data that suppprts who has the toughest sidewall when...
  3. R


    Just a guy with a dog a family and a JKU all draining my wallet. eveytime I use it I want to upgrade it. Lol swaylocks front and rear New trail grappler 3712.50 17s Beadlocks Hydro steer Fuel tank skid
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