Random Internet Shit you've come across

I try to stay light hearted and amusing with some of my posts but I just stumbled on this footage. Had FoxNews on in the background the other day when this happened and caught the three or four seconds of it that they showed from a distance before cutting away and apologizing. I’ve seen some folks in my time dedicated to their cause but Jeezus, this dude went all out.
It’s not for the meek so watch at your own discretion.

What an idiot. 🤬
I try to stay light hearted and amusing with some of my posts but I just stumbled on this footage. Had FoxNews on in the background the other day when this happened and caught the three or four seconds of it that they showed from a distance before cutting away and apologizing. I’ve seen some folks in my time dedicated to their cause but Jeezus, this dude went all out.
It’s not for the meek so watch at your own discretion.
He sure proved a good point though.

The Nation has gone a long way down the wrong path and the rot is very deep. It’s not going to be an easy fix, and I don’t know if it even can be fixed at this point.

The one thing I am absolutely certain of is if we just roll over and give up it’s going to get far, far, far worse. With modern technology and the extensive number of federal agencies the potential exists for tyranny like the world has never seen. All the oppressive regimes of history would be extremely jealous of the population control tools available today.
This is a very long read but well worth the time.
This is a very long read but well worth the time.

Great article, thanks for posting!

I’m going to post this excerpt for those who do not have the time to read the entire article. This is the authors recommendation for the way ahead.

Along with all the people recording. Can’t say I would help right away but when he went to his knees I may have run over and tried to extinguish. The whole “world star!” Culture nowadays is pretty sad. But one less whacko we have to spend tax dollars on I guess.
Yeah I agree. Love how the first guy with an extinguisher tries to put out the fire on the ground and his back pack. Never mind the guy laying there on fire. Either way he proved nothing
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