Putting a Stick Shift in Neutral at Stop Lights?

I put mine in neutral. It seriously doesn't take hardly any extra time to shift... I know it takes less time then waiting for a person a head of you whole looking at their phone to realize the light changed.
For the one that says he hates being held up to wait a couple seconds for the person Infront of him to put it ingear Go back and read the drivers hand book. It says you should wait a couple seconds after a light turn green before proceeding through the intersection as some maybe not paying attention and run the red light that just turned red on them. So yes I am one that will anticipate the light to turn green and as soon as it does. I look left the. Right to make sure no one is running a red before I proceed
The only people that wear things out are the ones that ride the clutch.
I leave it in gear for the same reason I shift down as I approach a light or stop sign. You are most likely to get ass packed while slowing or stopping. Leave it in gear to GTFO.

Or be lazy and plop it into Tijuana overdrive. Coast to a stop and get rear ended when the light turns green and the idiot behind you is texting and sees in his peripheral that everyone else is moving but your weak left leg can't hold the 3 pounds of pressure so....

For the one that says he hates being held up to wait a couple seconds for the person Infront of him to put it ingear Go back and read the drivers hand book. It says you should wait a couple seconds after a light turn green before proceeding through the intersection as some maybe not paying attention and run the red light that just turned red on them. So yes I am one that will anticipate the light to turn green and as soon as it does. I look left the. Right to make sure no one is running a red before I proceed

Yeah! Learn the traffic laws HighwayTrout!
Around here it would be great if the only thing slowing people down at traffic lights was shifting into gear to go...at least that person is paying attention to driving and not; their coffee, food, makeup, cigarette or phone.....and the list goes on......
I put mine into neutral and will shift into first as a result of watching the cross traffic lights. Haven't caused anyone to wait yet.
I always stayed in gear and on the clutch when Ive had standards. Never got any premature wear by doing that.
I put mine in neutral while at a stop light and just wait. I can't stand when people inch up at a stop light every second or two. It's not like they're getting some crazy advantage by gaining 6 inches while the light was red.
My favorite feature on the manual JK is "Hill Start Assist". It holds the brake on a hill, allowing you to release the brake and let up on the clutch. In my old cars I had to use the hand brake and ride the clutch to hold a hill. That said, I now keep my JK in gear as I approach a stop (even in 5th or 6th) when the RPMs fall too low I push in the clutch and go to neutral. Foot on the brake, I wait for the light and the depress the clutch and shift to 1st. No lag time at all.

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I keep it in neutral at stoplights and just keep an eye out for traffic going through the other lights slowing down/stopping. The extra second it takes me to push the clutch in and go to 1st is seriously so immaterial that someone complaining to me about it wouldn't even be worth my time responding. Just my .02
always in neutral a stop lights, the bearing does spin when depressing the clutch and does wear.......takes a split second to shift into gear, where is the problem?

(keeping your foot on the pedal is bound to waste the bearing at some point, if you don't keep your foot down 100% -natural- your clutch is slipping too: that spells death on short notice...)

my 10 cents of advice.....
I put it in neutral, if you are paying attention you should not cause any delays for people behind you. If everybody would just put the phones down and pay attention to the road we would all be in a better place.. 😀
At a normal traffic light? Never. It's probably a throw-over from motorcycle riding where you never put it in neutral at a light....just in case you need to escape rapidly approaching traffic from the rear. A bike can scoot between cars. A Jeep?...not so much.

A traffic jam is different. If I'm stopped for a long time I'll put it in neutral.
the only time my foot touches the clutch is when the light turns green. I "rev up" while simultaneously depressing the clutch and shifting into first in one fluid motion. it takes less time then the guy in front to even notice the light is green. I then firmly place front bumper/Stinger on the back of his Camry/Civic/Prius/BMW/etc and proceed to push them through the intersection. :idontknow: never seem to cause ANYONE to wait on me...
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