I am going to report to the other Jeep forums how I was treated here

Hey Wheelinoutwest, you'll forgive me but this PM you sent me is way too good not to post up on the open forum. I mean, being that you "have been attending Jeep safari for over a decade" are "heavily involved in rock crawling and ultra 4 racing" and are going to "report to the other Jeep forums how you were treated here", I think it'd be a shame if the the good folks here weren't in on it too. :yup:

Wheelinoutwest said:
This is seriously how you treat people here, just because I posted a video of a very popular trail in Colorado?' I am going to report to the other Jeep forums how Iwas treated here. I live in one of the most amazing Jeep places in the country, I make one video and share it, and you guys treat me like this!?? I have been attending Jeep safari for over a decade, I am heavily involved in rock crawling and ultra 4 racing, and me posting one video is causing you to close my thread because a sad patehetic loser (over lander) is upset about it?!
Wheelinoutwest said:
This is seriously how you treat people here, just because I posted a video of a very popular trail in Colorado?'

You're missing the point still.

Wheelinoutwest said:
I am going to report to the other Jeep forums how I was treated here.


Wheelinoutwest said:
I live in one of the most amazing Jeep places in the country, I make one video and share it, and you guys treat me like this!?? I have been attending Jeep safari for over a decade, I am heavily involved in rock crawling and ultra 4 racing.

You're missing the point still. Don't take this the wrong way, but the Jeep community isn't about you.

Wheelinoutwest said:
...me posting one video is causing you to close my thread....

Thread still open, as we're still posting here :thinking:

Wheelinoutwest said:
... because a sad patehetic loser (over lander) is upset about it?!

Sorry Overlander upset you.
Hello, I am a new member of this forum. I have been a member of many forums over the years, including snowest, thumper talk, wrangler forum, jeep forum and so on. I am fortunate enough to live in Western Colorado, which would be considered a Jeep Mecca by most. I live my life working on my crawler, and taking my Jk in the mountains on the weekends. My backyard trails include everything in the San Juans, Imogene pass, black bear pass, Poughkeepsie gulch, etc. I have been taking pictures for years of the places I go. Recently I picked up a drone, made 1 video of black bear pass and posted it here to share with people, I make no money from this, it's completely out of pocket. I had some really good feedback from some of you, while I was attacked in Pms and on my thread by others, for just sharing a video of one of the list famous trails in Colorado, on a YouTube channel I have not used in years?? I an avid member of the rockcrawling/Jeeping/ ultra 4 community who thought forums where for sharing things, apparently I was wrong?!? I guess my time here was short lived even though I have a ton of experience in off roading. I know most people on here are good, while some others are, should I say spiteful? I guess forums are only a place for the high post count people to (pimp) their videos.

Sorry, I guess I'm late to the game and just caught up on all the silliness. Apparently, I didn't need to share the PM you sent me last night as your post was much more detailed and informative. :crazyeyes:
Its always interesting seeing how these guys pan out.. you just don't get it dude

All butt hurt now, and going to tell the world.. good luck with that
Here's an idea. Walk into 4 wheel parts with a catalog from Quadratec. Then try and sell their customers parts from quad catalog and see what happens.
:cheesy: Is this for real? Sorry fucknut, but you don't own this private forum. If you can't understand why some of the experienced members are protective when someone pops in with video on a dedicated YouTube channel, then you really don't belong here.

LOL! Fucknut! That's a new one, I haven't heard that one! It shall be incorporated in my vulgar vocabulary.
I see your point, however I received 3 pages of positive comments before Overlander shows up and complains, next my thread is closed because of an unwritten rule? I didn't come here to cause "drama", the off-roading community is not that big, we all attend a lot of the same events.

Lol you're back! Never saw that coming. [emoji12]

Aww, you're mad at OverlanderJK for ruining things for you? He's a big bad wolf. [emoji186]

I think it's probably a good idea for you to go back to your other friends they'll give you the attention you need and maybe they won't tell you that you're acting like a little bitch. I've heard the off-road racing community is real sensitive like that. Oh wait, maybe not.

Here, don't forget your purse...
I think Overlander should write a book...it would be interesting reading...

Audiobook only with Samual Jackson as the narrator. Im laughing already thinking of Sam Jackson reading Overlanders words in a story setting.
Why does wayalife get so much traffic from the waa-at-life community?

Drama baby!

This is why it's important to read the rules.
Hey guys. I am a newb here with my first post. After reading all of this, I realize one thing..... THIS IS EXACTLY THE FORUM FOR ME! [emoji41]
Yes, it would be hilarious!!!

Listen to Mr. Jackson read the children's book "Go the Fuck to Sleep" here: http://youtu.be/nDGKK6y8OtQ

I was thinking perhaps Liam Neeson..."But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you...If you get that useless shit off your Jeep now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
I was thinking perhaps Liam Neeson..."But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you...If you get that useless shit off your Jeep now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

Hahahaha. This is great.
Hey Wheelinoutwest, you'll forgive me but this PM you sent me is way too good not to post up on the open forum. I mean, being that you "have been attending Jeep safari for over a decade" are "heavily involved in rock crawling and ultra 4 racing" and are going to "report to the other Jeep forums how you were treated here", I think it'd be a shame if the the good folks here weren't in on it too. :yup:

LOL!!! Seriously its like a little kid telling on Overlander.. Eddie ..ovvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrllllllllannnnnderrrrr is being mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaa :cheesy:
Hello, I am a new member of this forum. I have been a member of many forums over the years, including snowest, thumper talk, wrangler forum, jeep forum and so on. I am fortunate enough to live in Western Colorado, which would be considered a Jeep Mecca by most. I live my life working on my crawler, and taking my Jk in the mountains on the weekends. My backyard trails include everything in the San Juans, Imogene pass, black bear pass, Poughkeepsie gulch, etc. I have been taking pictures for years of the places I go. Recently I picked up a drone, made 1 video of black bear pass and posted it here to share with people, I make no money from this, it's completely out of pocket. I had some really good feedback from some of you, while I was attacked in Pms and on my thread by others, for just sharing a video of one of the list famous trails in Colorado, on a YouTube channel I have not used in years?? I an avid member of the rockcrawling/Jeeping/ ultra 4 community who thought forums where for sharing things, apparently I was wrong?!? I guess my time here was short lived even though I have a ton of experience in off roading. I know most people on here are good, while some others are, should I say spiteful? I guess forums are only a place for the high post count people to (pimp) their videos.

I don't usually get in the drama that happens on here. However, I got to say and I hope you log in to read this. I think you are a dumb motherfucker! You boast about being on other forums, yet you joined this one and another about the same time....a few days ago right? The other you start a thread then delete the first post leaving the title??? You are a class act!
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