Pictures of any four doors on 37s

Here is a 37, worn down to a 34 that will be replaced by a 37 that is actually 36.7 :thumb:
Last night while reading this thread and thinking about how some people can be so blindly passionate about certain issues, I ate nearly a whole box of bran flakes with musli. I was enthralled with it all! Then this morning I get up and had the most wonderfully amazing shit of my life and all was once again right in the world. Happy shitting to all and to all a great jeep day!
We live in a society that rewards whiners and laziness. Until that changes, it will only get worse.

I am more FOR everyone minding their own business than I am AGAINST most things. You want to do heroine? Fine by me, as long as you're not stealing my shit to pay for it. You want to fight dogs? Have at it. As long as you leave ME and MINE alone, I don't give a fuck what you do.
We live in a society that rewards whiners and laziness. Until that changes, it will only get worse.

I am more FOR everyone minding their own business than I am AGAINST most things. You want to do heroine? Fine by me, as long as you're not stealing my shit to pay for it. You want to fight dogs? Have at it. As long as you leave ME and MINE alone, I don't give a fuck what you do.

The difference is you have a choice to do heroine or not. The dogs don't have a say. Maybe you should just drop it.
Try to understand that I used the dog thing as an example only bc it was recently discussed. My point remains without that for an example.

I'm taking the Jeep to get my foot soap and Mueslix now.
37s! Pics if you got them

You want to fight dogs? Have at it. As long as you leave ME and MINE alone, I don't give a fuck what you do.

This says more about the type of person you are, or more specifically the type of person you are not, than anything you've written or will ever write. :yup:
Last night while reading this thread and thinking about how some people can be so blindly passionate about certain issues, I ate nearly a whole box of bran flakes with musli. I was enthralled with it all! Then this morning I get up and had the most wonderfully amazing shit of my life and all was once again right in the world. Happy shitting to all and to all a great jeep day!

Hahahahha! Your my hero! only.
MTG is spot on.

Integrity can be defined as doing the right thing even when nobody is around to see you. It's far less about controlling the behavior of others than it is about being a contributing participant in the furtherance of our species.

If you fight dogs you are taking oxygen from those who are much more deserving; the same can be said about the heroin addict.
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