Old & New Home Remedies


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Just wondering how many others still use some of the Remedies that may have been passed down from parents or grandparents or figured out on your own. What got me on this was my wife had heartburn this weekend and I told her to take a teaspoon of yellow mustard and it would stop it. Well it took some convincing to get her to do this but the end result was it worked. I picked this up from my grandmother years and years ago. Also chewing tobacco will help with relieving bee stings. Would like to see what old remedies you all may have.
Halve a pinto bean (insert your standard mexican joke <Adam>) with the white side on your inner lip sore makes it heal quickly. It actually burns a bit but works for some reason.
A strong tea made from BlackBerry Root is suppose to be good for the joints. I am Creek and my Wife is Cherokee and this was Traditional Remedy for both of us. It does seem to help....I use a good dose of sugar. Chewing on BlackBerry leaves is also suppose to help bleeding gums but I haven't had the need to try it.
The yellow mustard is also good for burns. If you get some on a burn right after it helps to take the pain our of it. Won't heal it but will take the pain out. There is also the old one to eat a piece of ginger root for an upset stomach.
The yellow mustard is also good for burns. If you get some on a burn right after it helps to take the pain our of it. Won't heal it but will take the pain out. There is also the old one to eat a piece of ginger root for an upset stomach.

Ginger root does work for upset stomach.

Also, make tea out of orange peel for respiratory issues and congestion.

And, papaya is an antacid as well for indigestion.
Just wondering how many others still use some of the Remedies that may have been passed down from parents or grandparents or figured out on your own. What got me on this was my wife had heartburn this weekend and I told her to take a teaspoon of yellow mustard and it would stop it. Well it took some convincing to get her to do this but the end result was it worked. I picked this up from my grandmother years and years ago. Also chewing tobacco will help with relieving bee stings. Would like to see what old remedies you all may have.

i have tried the yellow mustard for heart burn. and yes it works. try a spoon full of peanut butter to help stop hic-ups

This is interesting. Usually I just take a Zantac... Is this the regular yellow mustard, or like a spicy brown?
It's funny I saw this post because this has been something I've been experiencing lately for the 1st time and basically felt that no matter what I ate, I got heartburn from it even from drinking water. So after talking to other people and my doctor, below is what has worked for me.

I've been eating almonds at least every other day.. Just a few as it helps prevent heartburn and it's been working. But when I really overdo it with the spicy food or when I drink too much beer, I drink about 4 ounces of water with 1/2 teaspoon of PURE backing soda and that does the trick. I've been doing this for about the last 3 weeks and can honestly say I have it under control for the most part.:beer:
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It's funny I saw this post because this has been something I've been experiencing lately for the 1st time and basically felt that no matter what I ate, I got heartburn from it even from drinking water. So after talking to other people and my doctor, below is what has worked for me.

I've been eating almonds at least every other day.. Just a few as it helps prevent heartburn and it's been working. But when I really overdo it with the spicy food or when I drink too much beer, I drink about 4 ounces of water with 1/2 teaspoon of PURE backing soda and that does the trick. I've been doing this for about the last 3 weeks and can honestly say I have it under control for the most part.:beer:

I will be passing this on to the wife to try the next time she heartburn.
Put a mason jar full of raisins and whiskey in the fridge and leave them there. If you get a cough you take a few raisins and eat them. Cough is all better. Grandpa swore by this he switched to Jagermeister about ten years ago
Tea Tree oil for stings and cuts.

Vanilla Extract takes the pain out of a burn.

Whiskey, honey, and Lemon Juice heated together for colds and flu.

They sound crazy but they work.
No one call CPS on me for this, but I've been rubbing a little bit of whiskey on my sons gums to help soothe teething. My grandmother suggested it as it helped with all her children.
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