Gay Talk

The problem with society to day is we continue to allow the fringe weirdos to push there agenda on to the rest of us. if your a limp wrist...just be one and let the rest of us live our lives in peace! Bullshit with PC!

The problem is, they aren't the fringe weirdos. They're cops, firefighters, veterans, doctors, teachers, etc. And IMO, the majority of gay people don't really give a damn and just want to live their life in peace, just like anyone else. I really wish people wouldn't judge other groups of people by the most vocal assholes.
Dirty, if those folks would only stop dragging the owners of small ma and pop shops in to court, for not making them a cake, folks may be more sympathetic toward them. I'm not a basher of people with different views, or different ways of life, I just don't want Christians or those who don't agree with there point of view, to be bashed for what they believe in either.
Dirty, if those folks would only stop dragging the owners of small ma and pop shops in to court, for not making them a cake, folks may be more sympathetic toward them. I'm not a basher of people with different views, or different ways of life, I just don't want Christians or those who don't agree with there point of view, to be bashed for what they believe in either.

I don't agree with it either. If you don't want to bake me a cake, cool, I'll find someone who is more than happy to bake me one. It's really that damn easy. Again though, it's the vocal assholes who ruin it. I don't expect the world to kowtow to me and I don't want/need sympathy. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1442621351.343162.jpg
Hey peeps. We may never agree on a lot of things. From Evo to metalcloak, or teraflex. I certainly wouldn't expect for everybody to agree on hot button social issues. But it would be nice to see us treat one another with respect. Put the shoes on the other foot for a second. A lot of different groups have been persecuted for simple things like gender, religion, race, orientation, mental/physical disabilities.

You wouldn't use derogatory slang terms to describe your wife, family, friends, coworkers etc. Why would you find it acceptable in this situation?

Just a mere suggestion that we could treat others with a little more respect, compassion, and love. Food for thought.
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