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I stuck some painters tape on my mirrors today to show my support to all the hard working officers out there. My sister is an officer in Texas and I know how much officers are struggling with the current state of affairs. I would love for others to post pictures of their jeeps showing your support for these men and women. Let's show them the wayalife and jeep community support them!


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I stuck some painters tape on my mirrors today to show my support to all the hard working officers out there. My sister is an officer in Texas and I know how much officers are struggling with the current state of affairs. I would love for others to post pictures of their jeeps showing your support for these men and women. Let's show them the wayalife and jeep community support them!

I love the idea but I can't afford risking vandalization of my DD for I am a college student
I stuck some painters tape on my mirrors today to show my support to all the hard working officers out there. My sister is an officer in Texas and I know how much officers are struggling with the current state of affairs. I would love for others to post pictures of their jeeps showing your support for these men and women. Let's show them the wayalife and jeep community support them!

Tell your sis to keep safe
Awesome idea. Law enforcement needs the support of the American people. Nobody ever wants to shed a positive light on the American LEO. It was always a dangerous job, but even more so these days. Trust me I know. Monday we will lay to rest a local brother in blue, who was fatally shot during his tour of duty. It's a grim reminder of what is risked protecting people you mostly do not know. Thank you op for your support.
As a citizen of this great country (and it still is despite what the media may try to make us think), I truly appreciate the men and women that wear that blue uniform every day answering the call whatever it may be. I'm in the military and I appreciate those that thank me for my service, but the cops keep this country in order day in and day out and are rarely thanked for the job they do. If you feel inclined to thank a member of the military then you should thank those public serve to too. They truly are performing a service for all of us everyday.

Thank you!
I didn't know about this, thank you for posting! I'm going to throw some tape on my work van since it's what I drive 95% of the time. Very cool.
It's a shame the negative publicity law enforcement is receiving these days. Great thread you started, thanks to your sister for her service.

Publicity is what it is. It's a necessary form of transparency. We need more publicity of all the good our law enforcement does every day and night.
It's great to see people actually making a stand against all the media bs these days about the negativity towards LEO. I used to say, "People hate us until they need us." all the time. I tell my youngest brother every night to watch his back. It doesn't matter if you're a great cop or a bad one anymore, to them you're just a target. It's sad but true. All the respect and prayers to all my former brothers and sisters still on the job.
Thank You for your support

Thank you to everyone for your support from a Texas LEO. It is truly appreciated. People like you are the reason we get up everyday and do what we do.
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