Metal Cloak

:yawn37: Oh, I'm sorry - was this the part where I was supposed to be impressed? :crazyeyes:

Again, nobody is suggesting that you shouldn't be happy with the $2400 that you spent but you're kidding yourself if you really think those poser shots or driving 80 MPH with it is something to write home about.

I'm not looking to impress anyone. If that was the case I would go drop off my rig at EVO for a month and spend a fortune just like you did.

Just standing up for a decent company who makes good products or in your words "Fanboy".

I has at ORE about a month ago picking up my Jeep after a re-gear and they don't even push their products like you guys do. Someone walked in to inquire on Metalcloak pricing and they gladly gave it to him without even mentioning their product.
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I has at ORE about a month ago picking up my Jeep after a re-gear and they don't even push their products like you guys do. Someone walked in to inquire on Metalcloak pricing and they gladly gave it to him without even mentioning their product.
That's just good biz tactics on evo's part. They know the customer will eventually be back to buy some coilovers! :p
The most expensive part of Jeeping is buying twice! Better to just by the best the first time around. :beer::beer:
I'm not looking to impress anyone.

Could have fooled me with all that nonsense about how fast you can drive and those poser shots :crazyeyes:

If that was the case I would go drop off my rig at EVO for a month and spend a fortune just like you did.

:cheesy: Funny, I thought I got all my stuff for free!

Just standing up for a decent company who makes good products or in your words "Fanboy".

Exactly! Fanboys feel the need to "stand up" for the beloved companies that they've chosen to spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS with AS IF they somehow need to be stood up for. It's so laughable how fanboys like you will actually go around the internet LOOKING for threads like this and just so that you "stand up" for them. What's even funnier is how you then get your panties in a bunch as if your manhood has been put into question and all just because others disagree with you. :naw:

I has at ORE about a month ago picking up my Jeep after a re-gear and they don't even push their products like you guys do. Someone walked in to inquire on Metalcloak pricing and they gladly gave it to him without even mentioning their product.

News flash fanboy - this thread was started because the OP was laughing at the way your beloved Metalcloak was trying to suggest how their kit was BETTER than an EVO DTD. YOU are the one who came on here all butthurt and feeling like you needed to "stand up" for them and NOBODY was trying to push ANYTHING on you. :naw:
wayoflife said:
News flash fanboy - this thread was started because the OP was laughing at the way your beloved Metalcloak was trying to suggest how their kit was BETTER than an EVO DTD. YOU are the one who came on here all butthurt and feeling like you needed to "stand up" for them and NOBODY was trying to push ANYTHING. :naw:

I believe the comment by Metalcloak was that the game changer performed better than the DTD in several test. Since this forum is so bias I jumped in to say my two cents regarding my experience with Metalcloak.

My manhood is fine thank you.

I don't have panties so they can't be up in a bunch. Lol

You are the one who starts calling names "fanboy". So who is getting butt hurt.

No one can't stand up for anything other than EVO before you step in. I've been many of your previous bias post.

I don't go around the internet looking for Metalcloak post. I do have a life other than the Internet.
I believe the comment by Metalcloak was that the game changer performed better than the DTD in several test. Since this forum is so bias I jumped in to say my two cents regarding my experience with Metalcloak.
That's not exactly what they said. Go back and read the details.

My manhood is fine thank you.

I don't have panties so they can't be up in a bunch. Lol

You are the one who starts calling names "fanboy". So who is getting butt hurt.

No one can't stand up for anything other than EVO before you step in. I've been many of your previous bias post.

I don't go around the internet looking for Metalcloak post. I do have a life other than the Internet.

Saying you are happy with a kit is one thing, but throw out flex shots and speed info to suggest it is better than or as good as something else. That a different story.

The fact that ORE would quote to install other manufacturers is what an "install" shop is supposed to do!! Call up EVO MFG and KING and CURRIE and I'm sure they will explain the many advantages of their kits, shocks and joints!!

Don't go around looking for Metal Cloak posts??? Sure did search out this one and give your $0.02.
I believe the comment by Metalcloak was that the game changer performed better than the DTD in several test.

:cheesy: And for a fanboy like you, I'm sure them saying as much on the internet makes it true :crazyeyes:

Since this forum is so bias I jumped in to say my two cents regarding my experience with Metalcloak.

Of course you had to jump in to give your 2¢. I mean, god forbid that anyone would make fun of your beloved Metalcloak for saying something so ridiculous. Clearly, anyone who would laugh at something so stupid has to be "biased". :rolleyes2:

My manhood is fine thank you.

Could have fooled me. But hey, just like Metacloak, if you say so on the internet, it must be true. :crazyeyes:

You are the one who starts calling names "fanboy".

Only after you threw down the "biased" card as all fanboys do.

So who is getting butt hurt.

Well, you are the one who just couldn't leave well enough alone and had to revive this thread and with your nonsense. Just sayin.

No one can't stand up for anything other than EVO before you step in.

I'm sorry but, it's "no one can stand up for anything other than EVO before you step in." To use the word "can't" after using the word "no" would be a double negative. That being said, I find it funny how you keep missing the part where this thread was started by the OP to MAKE FUN OF your beloved Metalcloak for saying such stupid things. Like a fanboy, you can stand up for them all you want but don't kid yourself, I'm not the only one laughing at them and you.

I've been many of your previous bias post.

Habla Engles? Might want to try and run that one through the google translator again :naw:

I don't go around the internet looking for Metalcloak post. I do have a life other than the Internet.

Could have fooled me. :crazyeyes:
Not to bad for a bolt on kit that cost $2,400 and I installed in my driveway. Not to mention I drove 80 MPH getting to the OHV park. Just saying

Since we are on the subject of comparing, why don't you flex out your rig, take a tape measure to it and show us some true numbers. Instead of some poser flex pics...
That's not exactly what they said. Go back and read the details.

Details? When has a fanboy ever cared about the details? :naw:

Since we are on the subject of comparing, why don't you flex out your rig, take a tape measure to it and show us some true numbers. Instead of some poser flex pics...

eh, in all fairness, he clearly has some flex but the real point to be made is that you can buy a Full-Traction, TeraFlex, OME, etc. kit for a LOT LESS than $2400 and get the same amount of flex and be able to drive it at 80MPH to the local OHV park.

Let's see here's my Rubicon Express 3.5" lift crossing the crack in Moab. Yup also drove 80 mph out there. Total cost was $750 including shocks. I used the savings to buy tires😁😁😁😁
I started out on JK forum before I found this site and everyone is in love with Metal Cloak I almost bought their lift. I wish I would of found this site before I bought my RK lift.
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Let's see here's my Rubicon Express 3.5" lift crossing the crack in Moab. Yup also drove 80 mph out there. Total cost was $750 including shocks. I used the savings to buy tires

I bought the same lift, with their monotube shocks, and replaced it with a metalcloak lift. Much better ride, handling, flex. Your flex there isnt nearly what he is showing on his MC lift.
One thing to note is the RE lift would have flexed more with longer shocks, but only to a point since the springs would end up falling out without retainers. There's a little bit of fanboyism on both sides here. I don't think that there is much doubt that a coilover system is probably a "better" lift, but the metalcloak lift is a great lift. I have seen very little negative information about them, except in this forum.
I've got a friend with the EVO bolt on system, and hope we can get out on the trail and compare.
I bought the same lift, with their monotube shocks, and replaced it with a metalcloak lift. Much better ride, handling, flex. Your flex there isnt nearly what he is showing on his MC lift.
One thing to note is the RE lift would have flexed more with longer shocks, but only to a point since the springs would end up falling out without retainers. There's a little bit of fanboyism on both sides here. I don't think that there is much doubt that a coilover system is probably a "better" lift, but the metalcloak lift is a great lift. I have seen very little negative information about them, except in this forum.
I've got a friend with the EVO bolt on system, and hope we can get out on the trail and compare.

At the same time I'm not crazy about the fact I will need to replace the joints in my arms more frequently than my tires. I have no first hand knowledge just speaking on reviews.
Any insight about how long they last?
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