I was here to solicite but just delete my account

Desert rose asked whats with the name so i replied with an explanation i have no intention of advertising on forums my apologies if i came off that way

The way I interpret Desert Rose's comment is he spotted the fact that you are a shop a lot quicker than I did.

I also interpret your comment as, "sorry, I dont want to pay to play. I'm just here for the free advertising."
Wow sorry for the complete misunderstanding please cancel my account and sorry once again for the intrusion

We also dont cancel/delete accounts here. You are free to contact admin about becomming a paying advertiser or just not log back on. The choice is yours.
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Welcome! Big wave from Yuma!:)

Edit.. Oh oh. Someone didn't read the rules
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Anyone else see the name "almost evil customs" and think of this line out of one of the Austin Powers movies?

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