There are Still Good People

Eugene the Jeep

New member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm one of the few people in the world that doesn't have facebook or twitter and wanted to let everyone know that there are still good people out there.

My wife and I picked up our daughter from the airport, she flew in for spring break. Our daughter is a Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. On our way home from the airport we stopped at a local restaurant for dinner.

While we were walking trough the parking lot an older lady stopped to thank our daughter for her service to our country and proud she was of her, I really didn't think much of it at the time other then how proud we are of our daughter and everything that she has accomplished.

After we finished our dinner the waitress told use that a lady in the restaurant had paid for all our dinners. We don't know if it was the lady from the parking lot or not but there are still good people out there.

We were all kind of speechless after that and not knowing what to say, my daughter did say to me "That will keep you humble".

So with all the terrible things going on in the world there are still good people out there.

Sorry if this doesn't here but I just wanted let every know about something good that happened.

Thanks to all from a
Proud Father
Very cool. It's stuff like this that restores your faith in humanity. There definitely are SOME good folks out there still.
It's great to read this story. Proves there really is good people out there. Many thanks to your daughter for her service! :thumb:
great story, give my gratitude to your daughter for her service and you and your family for supporting the service!
It's also a good reminder for all of us how big of a deal a small gesture can be, thanks for sharing and thank you for raising a soldier.
That story is great. I won't say thank you to her serving our country as I'm not from USA but I will say thank you to her not for the service but for the courage to simply do what's needed and right.
Stories like this restore a bit of faith in humanity
Great story as someone that works at an ammunition plant that supports our troops I have a great sense of pride in my work.
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