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Nah, paleo is at least based on the premise of the caveman diet. Cavemen were at least smart enough to figure out that animal protein was the quickest way to develop not only physical size and strength, but also quicker brain development. Which all leads to the whole "survival of the fittest" thing. So despite being a creationist (God putting man at the top of the food chain) or being an evolutionist (the human body evolved into being an omnivore for pure means of survival of the species), the Paleo diet can fit the bill for either campfire you tend to sit around at night sharing stories. Vegans, well their diet is designed to elimate the human species.

The human body has a simple digestive track, one stomach, and a generally noncomplex intestinal track, just like every other omnivore which eats plants and animal protein for energy and survival. Compare that to a true vegetarian, or ruminant which has multiple stomachs which are needed to break down plants to extract the complete nutrients available for the animal's survival. Now take a true carnivore's anatomy (really only felines fall into this category), almost a straight shot from mouth to ass, very very non-complicated means of a digestive track because animal proteins require so little effort to extract energy from to survive. So again, pick your theory, evolution or creation, the design of a species and it's required diet fits into either theory or belief you choose to follow. A vegan's beliefs only fit into that of an overly apathetic "humans are the problem" look at the world. It's also strange that the greater majority of all vegans live in large cities where that type of lifestyle is easy and very conducive to have. I challenge any vegan to attempt surviving in the wilderness for a month where they become part of the food chain.....

Id argue that cavemen figured out foraging was way less exciting, yielded an inferior tasting product and fed fewer people and decided to eat something exciting to catch. They didnt have tapatalk to entertain themselves lol
Nah, paleo is at least based on the premise of the caveman diet. Cavemen were at least smart enough to figure out that animal protein was the quickest way to develop not only physical size and strength, but also quicker brain development. Which all leads to the whole "survival of the fittest" thing. So despite being a creationist (God putting man at the top of the food chain) or being an evolutionist (the human body evolved into being an omnivore for pure means of survival of the species), the Paleo diet can fit the bill for either campfire you tend to sit around at night sharing stories. Vegans, well their diet is designed to elimate the human species.

The human body has a simple digestive track, one stomach, and a generally noncomplex intestinal track, just like every other omnivore which eats plants and animal protein for energy and survival. Compare that to a true vegetarian, or ruminant which has multiple stomachs which are needed to break down plants to extract the complete nutrients available for the animal's survival. Now take a true carnivore's anatomy (really only felines fall into this category), almost a straight shot from mouth to ass, very very non-complicated means of a digestive track because animal proteins require so little effort to extract energy from to survive. So again, pick your theory, evolution or creation, the design of a species and it's required diet fits into either theory or belief you choose to follow. A vegan's beliefs only fit into that of an overly apathetic "humans are the problem" look at the world. It's also strange that the greater majority of all vegans live in large cities where that type of lifestyle is easy and very conducive to have. I challenge any vegan to attempt surviving in the wilderness for a month where they become part of the food chain.....

A scrawny, underfed, under weight and unsatisfying part of the food chain. I pity the poor loin, tiger or bear forced to eat the bony vegan bitch....
Nah, paleo is at least...

Oh I know my Paleo food choices are far superior than all other diet choices, but particularly the S.A.D. (standard american diet) and vegan/vegetarian lifestyle choices.

I was being facetious, in that paleo people are also generally judgmental and preachy. /irony
Oh I know my Paleo food choices are far superior than all other diet choices, but particularly the S.A.D. (standard american diet) and vegan/vegetarian lifestyle choices.

I was being facetious, in that paleo people are also generally judgmental and preachy. /irony

Oh, I know. I was just elaborating on my pure dislike of vegans with a truly unnecessary soliloquy.
Oh, I know. I was just elaborating on my pure dislike of vegans with a truly unnecessary soliloquy.


I think it was necessary. :yup:

My favorite part about the vegan/vegetarian spiel is when they talk about it being healthier. I mean honestly, who believes that nonsense? :crazy eyes:

BTW--apropos of nothing….I met up with a long time vegetarian friend of mine this week…we had a great meal of all-you-can-eat sushi in Las Vegas. Yeah, the smart ones usually figure it out. :yup:

Edit: and why the fuck do they have to have "faux" everything? Look, if you want sausage, eat some sausage. Want a turkey? Eat some fucking turkey. Don't pretend your "soy-whatever" is something else. Just call it mushed-up-bean-shit and be proud of who you are and have some self-respect. :thumb:
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LOL!! I just had the following screen shot sent to me on FB....


In addition to being self-righteous preachy types who feel the need to wear their religion on their shirt sleeves, vegans are apparently thin skinned as well. :D

Hey Greg, you see how I got all the credit here? LOL
This guy need to shove a carrot where the sun don't shine. It wasn't him being vegan that made him an ass, it was just one of several. ;):cheesy:
LOL!! I just had the following screen shot sent to me on FB....

Hey Greg, you see how I got all the credit here? LOL

Dang it! You know I don't really dislike any race, creed or color of person. An individuals lifestyle, as long as it doesn't affect mine, has never been a problem for me. I judge a person by their character and content.......but vegans?? I cannot explain it, I just cannot stomach any part of that ridiculous concept and that it being legitimately nothing more than a privilege available to those fortunate enough to be living in the USA. I am still going to accept half the credit for that post sent to you :icon_crazy:


my screen capture back to those two idiots of FB
Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 11.57.51 AM.png
Melanie's comment....


Im with Greg...I don't know what it is, but I just want to slap a person when I find out they are a vegan, and rage and hatred begin to boil from within....I can't explain it.
My two sons are vegan. They have made this life style change for health reason not ideology reasons. There are huge benefits for it. Many diseases can be cured by making this lifestyle change. I myself have added a lot more green to my plate. I do see and feel the difference. Don't knock it till you have been fully informed.

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