Giving you guys a chance & here's my wave - "fuck you"

LoL That was awesome! What a Tool!! Actually wasted the time to sign up, load pictures, attempt a wave, and then strive to get banned so you can complain to other forums about how cool you are and how we suck?! Not only is that super mature but also the most ridiculous thing I have heard.
Prompted by "said forum" to be a dick, by people you have never met in person = TOOL!!
JKO and Pirate so boring that you feel the need to come over here and stink up the place?:naw: Or are you trying to show how badass you are because you can sign up and give everyone the finger? Run back home now, tell everyone how you showed us and how you were banned for no reason.

I love how NOT ONE person from Wayalife has gone over to JKO or Pirate or ANY other forum to initiate anything by spewing bullshit or start a fight and yet we are the dickheads :crazyeyes:

This!!! ^^^ I understand if you don't like/agree with something but why hunt for it :/
I love how NOT ONE person from Wayalife has gone over to JKO or Pirate or ANY other forum to initiate anything by spewing bullshit or start a fight and yet we are the dickheads :crazyeyes:

Couldn't agree more. :yup: Been saying the same thing as long as I've been around.
JKO and Pirate so boring that you feel the need to come over here and stink up the place?:naw: Or are you trying to show how badass you are because you can sign up and give everyone the finger? Run back home now, tell everyone how you showed us and how you were banned for no reason.


I was actually giving you guys a chance.
A chance at what? Why do we need to impress you?

I am really interested too in what chance this troll is trying to give us, the opportunity to sign up for a free forum and learn more about Jeeps? Oh wait the troll is from Pirate so he already knows everything. :asshat:
I actually appreciated the input.

:thinking: As I sit here and think :thinking:
why do we even give these trolls a minute of our time? They come on here just to disrupt a good thing because they have no respect for anyone. I guess that they have had no parenting to teach them Right from wrong, manures, and respect or If their Momma even know who their baby daddy is??? I know that replying to them just adds fuel to the fire and I might get kicked off of some of the Facebook pages. :thinking: But then I think I just can't help myself.:cheesy:

Now you :asshat: akpostal :asshat: can input this right up your ass ,,l,, My new wave to you :asshat:
I was actually giving you guys a chance.

A chance? A chance for what? To show you that this forum is not the place 'others' describe it to be? So you come on here with pre conceived notions of what this place is, flip everyone off, and expect a warm welcome? You disrespect people that you don't even know and group everyone in the 'douch bag' category to look cool for your immature friends on another forum? Honestly, I wonder how some people made it to adulthood. It is sad to see so many people come on here just to start crap so they can run and tell their internet buddies how cool they are. Take a look at these threads that people get banned for, use some common sense and make a judgment for yourself. Every one of them either violated the rules and were not man enough to just correct themselves and move on, or came here specifically to start crap. Some don't like that factual, verifiable information is put out about a crappy product and get butt hurt about it because they happen to have said product on their rig, so it must be 'bashing'. Really guy, really? Is this how a man things grown men should act? Grow up and get a life. Just for your information akpostal, I have never been disrespected here, never had someone 'bash' a product I have purchased because they are not a 'sponsor' here, and have even had Eddie himself recommend products to me based off of experience even though they were not a sponsor of the site. Alright, off my soap box now. Have a great day WAYALIFE!
You know this just occured to me. The trolls come over here to get a rise out of us and get banned and to go back to their trolldom and claim they were banned for no reason. Here is a thought, just do not let them get the best of us and just ban them and move on. If the keep coming back like Matti does ignore them. They are acting like the little brother or sister that keeps annoying you just because they know we will react. Once we quit reacting to them then maybe just maybe the trolls will stop. JMHO

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