Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Response from CBS 5 just received:


Thank you for your email. We did a story last year about a valley man who was utilizing a fake charity to line his pockets with cash at the expense of people who generously gave money to help navy seals. I will follow up on your tip. May contact you if I have any follow up questions?



Sent from my iPhone
wouldn't that be something if it were the same person
Response from CBS 5 just received:


Thank you for your email. We did a story last year about a valley man who was utilizing a fake charity to line his pockets with cash at the expense of people who generously gave money to help navy seals. I will follow up on your tip. May contact you if I have any follow up questions?



Sent from my iPhone

Awesome! Nice work sir!
Old habits are hard to break and yes i did sleep in to 0600. It is quiet at this time.

I fear that once I discontinue my military status I will still leave my boots at the kitchen table, wake up earlier than I'd like and still read the Early Bird...
I fear that once I discontinue my military status I will still leave my boots at the kitchen table, wake up earlier than I'd like and still read the Early Bird...

Lol at the Early Bird. The Early bird, Undersea warefare and NY times will forever be on my list of never download and read again! :bleh:
I fear that once I discontinue my military status I will still leave my boots at the kitchen table, wake up earlier than I'd like and still read the Early Bird...

You will do that for a little while, no doubt about it. But, eventually you will snap out of it... haha!


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
So to get this topic back on track.

I just spent the last hour or so going over the JKF thread and all 63 posts from Mr. Basil. The one thing I found interesting was of the 63 posts not one mention of any charities just about himself.

Mr. Basil failed on several accounts especially when he tried to make Eddie look bad for it to turn and backfire on him.

Response from CBS 5 just received:


Thank you for your email. We did a story last year about a valley man who was utilizing a fake charity to line his pockets with cash at the expense of people who generously gave money to help navy seals. I will follow up on your tip. May contact you if I have any follow up questions?



Sent from my iPhone

Outstanding Brother!!!
Interested to see if they investigate.

I have read through this thread(sorry I thought I had already but I had skipped a few pages). I hope after review that this guy is investigated and we all get to see what comes out. It you are doing something legit then you have nothing to worry about and you should welcome the chance to prove your self in the right. It appears as if Robert, is running at every chance he has to change the hearts and minds of those that he attacked himself (Eddie). I am quit sure if this would have been anything other than a publicity stunt he would have asked Wayalife, before the trip not after it was over if he could have keep the sticker to support the troops, if he actually wanted to go instead of starting a war. I read the invite and I did not see anything saying that you could not have two windshild banners for that matter. I do want to know Eddie, how bad do they hate you over at JKF I am not a memeber anywhere but here I actually do not even have a facebook or tweeter or any other social media stuff but it appears you pissed them off. But in light of this Good Job!
I do want to know Eddie, how bad do they hate you over at JKF I am not a memeber anywhere but here I actually do not even have a facebook or tweeter or any other social media stuff but it appears you pissed them off. But in light of this Good Job!

I'm a member on both (lurker only on JK-F) and I can tell you as a third party, that if God forbid something happened to Eddie, they would be celebrating on JK-F. There is allot of hate there...

I wonder exactly why probably a question for another time and place....But it most likely is linked to the hater part of JK-F and people hate a winner.
I wonder exactly why probably a question for another time and place....But it most likely is linked to the hater part of JK-F and people hate a winner.

As it was before my time on either site, Everything I've understood comes down to a bunch of bannings on the JK-F site, then Eddie selling the site /trademarks to one of the other admins and leaving to open WayALife. Then all of the A$$wholes that were banned came back to JK-F and seem to have taken over the site, throwing a lot of hate, which is probably why they were banned in the first place.

If your an A$$whole, and get banned, once your back, nothing usually changes, your still an A$$whole....
I always thought it was A$$ "HOLE".... :yup::doh::beer:

edit to add I am the last one that should say anything about grammar!
So after two days of reading this thread here is what I have found out.

If you are going to kick sand in someones face better have the stones to take the beat down and not run and hide.

The crazy thing is, I was more than happy to just let this guy take a stab at me and let it go. I gave him the answer he wanted and thought that he would just run back to JKF and be happy to parade it around but no, he had to keep coming after me and bring all his supporters to do the same. Up until then, I hadn't even looked at his website but after that, I decided that if I was going to be assaulted, I had better know who my attacker was. That's when I started to ask questions and became the "terrible power of the internet". :crazyeyes:

Eddy after reading all the hatred my only question is how do you not let it bother you. You have character that needs to be passed around. I am glad to call you a friend and you will always be welcome.

How can you let it bother you? It's good to have you as a friend as well.

Maybe I missed something but did JKF say they were done with Basil? From what I read they were allowing him to slip into the abyss, allowing them to save face and NOT admit he was is shyster and JKF was FOOLED.

Actually, the way I read it, they really don't think they were fooled. They are "disheartened" to see legitimate questions being asked of Robert Basil, choose to call them "personal attacks" and are viewing him as a victim of the "terrible power of the internet".

Daystar reply to my inquiry with my reply. We will see what they say. Stay tuned


That is interesting. I can't wait to see the response. It would be great if Basil was lying about his sponsors too.

Ya I posted a link the the WOL thread and your aviator seems to show up. Interesting as you replayed to orlam30

Daystar is the only sponsor so far that has responded to my FB posts. I hit everyone listed on the FHJ website


Nice work rccrwlr. That would just be awesome if other sponsors come out to deny having any association with Robert Basil as well. It's a shame that none of these guys take 2 seconds of their time to do just the most basic of research before supporting a so called "charitable cause" like this. :rolleyes2:

I bet JCR will still back him....

Sent from the Zone of Influence

Why not? JKF still has his back.
I can no longer take it, even though I am currently deployed overseas, I have reached out to a local PHX station (CBS 5 AZ) Hopefully they will take the time to read through this entire thread and make something happen.

The body of my email I sent to them:

I am writing to see if any of the investigative reporters would be interested in looking into a Phoenix resident that is attempting to make a living by using a false charity known as "Fallen Heroes Jeep”. The individual’s name is Robert Basil, who attempted to solicit his charity through a close friends Facebook Fan page. When my friend attempted to ask legitimate probing questions into his “not for profit” charity, Robert Basil became exceptionally defensive and began attacks which led to an entire online Jeep community (Wayalife.com) looking into the individuals charitable activities. All signs point to facts that fallenheroesjeep.com has done nothing to help any Soldier, Sailor, Airmen or Marine killed during their Service to the U.S., but it appears to be funding Mr. Basil’s lifestyle.

I am providing a link to the Wayalife forum thread that contains all the information captured over the last few days of activity and you will see it is obvious that Mr Robert Basil has attempted to cover his tracks by back pedaling and undoing many of his actions as he gets caught in his statements and outright lies.


Please understand that no one associated with this forum, including myself, are looking for any attention or compensation through this email being sent to your station. I am simply a Veteran who is appalled by this individual’s actions at trying to make a living off of others who do not know what his true agenda is.


Nice work my friend. Being that you're from the area and a veteran, I'm sure CBS 5 will be all over this. I appreciate you posting up the email you sent and for articulating yourself as clearly as you have. No BS, just the facts and with a desire to uncover the truth.

Be safe and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
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