Reason Internet security engineers have jobs...

i kinda feel like a dumbs cause i don't understand at all what the hell is join on there except for laser beams join here and there lol:thinking:

Each little laser beam shows a Known bad guy, Attacking someone/company over the internet The Bigger the Dots, and the brighter the country, the more attacks are hitting/initiated.. When you see a huge burst of lines, typically it's from a "botnet" (a bunch of already hacked computers obeying commands from the hacker), doing a coordinated attack so as to overwhelm a computer system/network and gain access. Most companies when that happens, fail open to allow traffic, rather than fail closed.

Each little laser beam shows a Known bad guy, Attacking someone/company over the internet The Bigger the Dots, and the brighter the country, the more attacks are hitting/initiated.. When you see a huge burst of lines, typically it's from a "botnet" (a bunch of already hacked computers obeying commands from the hacker), doing a coordinated attack so as to overwhelm a computer system/network and gain access. Most companies when that happens, fail open to allow traffic, rather than fail closed.

yup i completely understand exactly whats goin on there now........
i am so glad there are people that protect us from these......... laser beams........ thanks:thumb:
Hmmm - ditto on the Saint Louis and Kirksville question. I work someplace headquartered in Saint Louis and we have a location in Kirksville that administers some of our work. Makes me curious.
Haha yep, what I deal with on a daily basis! I wouldn't consider all of these attacks as much as vulnerability scanning. Most of the connection attempts you see scrolling are just default ports and protocols which are obviously blocked off by any organization, but when a vulnerability is detected, then you have an attack!

Don't follow me, I'm lost too! O|||||||O
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