"Tagging" jeeps...


Hey guys, In previous car clubs years ago, they made business card like tags with club info so they could hand them out when people approached about the car etc. Also they were used when we happened upon cars that were customized, to give them information about the club etc (placed in the drivers window, or under a wiper). Has this ever been done with the forums? There are a bunch of Modded jeeps in my local town and surrounding. though I'm the only one in my very local area on the forums.

I know that we are not really an official "club" persey, but has this ever been a thought to get the word around on the Forums?
i think one of the best ways to do it is to rock the swag. so throw on a WOL banner, cowl stickers, and maybe a few others and im sure that will draw people attention without spamming them with business cards
My local club uses this as a recruitment technique and to be honest I HATE IT!

Call me a snob, but just because you own a cool Jeep doesn't mean I want to hang with you.

It pisses me off royally to have a stranger touch my Jeep, so I would never touch someone elses. Even if it is just to put something under the wiper.
Kind of made me laugh to see someone bring this up. One of the guys at work was driving the forklift through the parking lot at work yesterday and just stopped. He said, "When did you put those stickers on? Are they Hart and Huntington stickers?" HAHA Made me laugh. I said no, it's the Wayalife forum I'm on. He then said, "Oh is that a Jeep gang your are in?!" HAHA

Anyways, in regards to the OP, I was in a car club years ago and we just went by word of mouth. Never left anything on vehicles. I find that very annoying when someone sticks a flyer on my window. The "WAYALIFE" decals are probably your best bet:yup:
I agree with the stickers, have some waiting on the windshield and cowls. I just figured as I build up my jeep I may get more questions and to have a quick card to hand out. Even mostly stock I had someone ask about the jeep the other day, and I told them about the forums, but had nothing to write it down on, so the thought of the business card popped up in my head again.

I personally never left any on cars in my previous clubs based on my personal preferences, that are not unlike what you've already listed.
If anyone looks for Jeep social media and/or information and doesn't stumble onto Wayalife or Project JK they are purposefully avoiding it.

Even when I do regular Google searches I have found Eddie's write-ups and WAL threads to be at the top of the search results.

Just my :twocents:
If anyone looks for Jeep social media and/or information and doesn't stumble onto Wayalife or Project JK they are purposefully avoiding it.

Even when I do regular Google searches I have found Eddie's write-ups and WAL threads to be at the top of the search results.

Just my :twocents:

That's partly because you spend time on this forum. Google generates results by your past searches and history.
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