
That's not where I was going with the floaties, Brankzie. Some people believe California is going to have "the big one" and drop into the ocean, but I live up in the hills, fishing should be good.
There was a smaller one Saturday morning too. They were sayin on the news these are the precursor to a big earthquake. I saw it was a 4.4 or something this morning.
I was sitting on my couch and start moving, I think we had a 5.8 earthquake!

Oh no wait I farted lmao
It's funny, I just read about this and laughed when nobody posted up about it here on the forum. But, truth be told, anything less than a 5.0 isn't even worth getting out of bed over :crazyeyes:

I had literally just stood up from bed when it started shaking, thought I was drunk, and lied back down to realize it wasn't me hahaha...I snoozed another 9 minutes.
I JUST got settled into my RV park in Van Nuys last night and I'll tell you what....a 4.4 in an RV sure gets ta rockin! :eek:

Should we have come a knockin? :cheesy: Van nuys, you're right down the street from me. I don't know what's around that area but we could get a small impromptu suds an grub together if you have time? I know GenRight is having their Jeep Night this Friday at Cronies in Simi Valley. Not as friendly as our get togethers but it's something.
Should we have come a knockin? :cheesy: Van nuys, you're right down the street from me. I don't know what's around that area but we could get a small impromptu suds an grub together if you have time? I know GenRight is having their Jeep Night this Friday at Cronies in Simi Valley. Not as friendly as our get togethers but it's something.

I say we have our own I can see a Evo vs genRight brawl ;)
It ain't THAT unfriendly haha but yeah our own Suds an Grub would be a good time. Maybe the OC boys would travel north the short ways for once ;-)

Lol I know just messing but yeah I just don't know where to have it at I was thinking maybe Vincenzo's off of Lyons good pizza and a BIG parking lot
Unfortunately I have to work Friday Saturday and Sunday of this weekend so I can't make it. BUT once I take a look around at the area, we might be able to work something out for a gathering in this area :yup:
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