Drama drama drama

Can you guys just hug it out, eat some hot coco with dunking donuts and call it a day? .....

Adam I know where to get DD in San Diego I can hook you up! I'm going tomorrow lol
...for those who have implied this: Are you less of a person if you did have a vagina? I just want to get your stance on the subject on the record

Hmm. Not sure if this was directed at me, but I'll answer. Of course you aren't less of a person if you have a vagina. Women are every bit as welcome on this forum as anyone else.

As a general statement though, women tend to be more sensitive than men. They also tend to approach situations with more empathy and emotion than men. It's all part of most women being more maternal than most men. Are these generalizations? Absolutely. So what? Do some men exhibit these same traits? Absolutely. So what? You don't have to have a vagina to be empathetic and emotional.

As far as I can tell, no one has seriously implied that anyone else has a vagina. What they have implied is that some people are being way too sensitive about things that get said by strangers on an Internet forum.
Hmm. Not sure if this was directed at me, but I'll answer. Of course you aren't less of a person if you have a vagina. Women are every bit as welcome on this forum as anyone else.

As a general statement though, women tend to be more sensitive than men. They also tend to approach situations with more empathy and emotion than men. It's all part of most women being more maternal than most men. Are these generalizations? Absolutely. So what? Do some men exhibit these same traits? Absolutely. So what? You don't have to have a vagina to be empathetic and emotional.

As far as I can tell, no one has seriously implied that anyone else has a vagina. What they have implied is that some people are being way too sensitive about things that get said by strangers on an Internet forum.

Well if there is nothing wrong with sensitivity; why call it out in the poor manner that you did?
That may be true.

But what also MAY be true:

He is young, dumb, and full of....

You have anger management issues...

Army_vet doesn't like me or the use of LOL...

GCM 2 hates spectators at KOH...

JAGS can't commit to a build...

10 Frank 9 pilfered the ORE font...

Sharkey is a ambulance chasing attorney...

Eddie only supports those people that sponsor him...

MTG never wheels and only cooks...

Blah, blah, blah...


Again it's the internet. If you (or anyone) can't figure that out. Maybe one of the "other" JK sites is better for you? :idontknow:

Seems pretty spot on to me. 😂😂

Well maybe, I don't know, I need to ask around to confirm first, then maybe check back, wait a few weeks, then give you a possible answer. 😳😳😳💬💬

- Jason
Ahhahaha. Dam who know, but you can have a nice road trip here and the first round of donuts it's on me! With hot coco of cores

I have been to SD many times. How many times you been to PA? I think its your turn to visit me.... Take that new 4-door Sahara you're getting on a road trip:cheesy:
I have been to SD many times. How many times you been to PA? I think its your turn to visit me.... Take that new 4-door Sahara you're getting on a road trip:cheesy:

Lol I let you know if I go but I don't think I'm having a toad trip any time soon lol.

Not getting that Sahara, actually the white one was a 07 sport and the black one was a 12 Sahara.

Tuesday I'm going to the same place that I got my jeep and see if I can get a cheap 4 door rubi.

My payments are super high so I don't thing they will go up much.

I'm thinking like a 07 or 08 rubi yup.
If you don't like what you see then leave. It's not really that hard. Fuck, my three your old niece doesn't complain as much as you.

Or I can stay and enjoy the camaraderie of those who think like me... As long as I don't break any forum rules i'm allowed to complain as much as I like; if you dont like it, you are also welcome to leave.
Lol I let you know if I go but I don't think I'm having a toad trip any time soon lol.

Toad tripping now Brankz?


I'm the the one bitching like you and army_girl about people "bullying" me.

you know being a pansy and not handling what you dish out earns no respect from me or a lot of people on this forum. do yourself a favor and to play hide and shut up :yup:
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