Ghost town and mine hunting.

:cheesy: TMI but thanks for posting these up :thumb:

Your right. I should take the time to post some info and upload more pictures. I'm also too lazy to start a build thread. I should start something. :confused:We are always taking day trips too some cool places out here in southern az. Next weekend we have 4 more sites planned along the San Pedro River.

Sent while sitting on the crapper.
Wish I lived closer...trips like these are my favorite...let the inner explorer out and discover amazing things! Great pictures! Now, post more!
So, did you rappel down the barbed wire?
Negative. I wanted to do so much more and explore but thanks to my wife, she made us turn around after about 50 yards. That was probably a good thing. I started to get dizzy. :crazyeyes: I almost felt as if I was getting sea sick. :icon_crazy: Maybe a lack of oxygen, I don't know.
I know I really want to go back and this time go prepared and see how far that mine goes into that mountain. :rock:
Negative. I wanted to do so much more and explore but thanks to my wife, she made us turn around after about 50 yards. That was probably a good thing. I started to get dizzy. :crazyeyes: I almost felt as if I was getting sea sick. :icon_crazy: Maybe a lack of oxygen, I don't know.
I know I really want to go back and this time go prepared and see how far that mine goes into that mountain. :rock:

That's crazy...I haven't been in to any deep mines or 50 yards in to one. Just go with the buddy system in case it is a lack of oxygen! Further exploring would be awesome in there. I might have to make the trek and check it out.
I have entered two different mine systems. The Kartchner Caverns, and the Bisbee Queen mine tours.
Both were controlled tours and extremely awesome sites. This place was just something we saw from far away and decided to see if we could find a road to get to it. Road to the mine had not been traveled in several years. Huge cat-claws and mesquites covered the road and edges. Four low and Arizona pin-stripping took care of the obstacles.
Thx for the pics. It never ceases to amaze me how folks survived territorial prisons in Arizona during the summer. That definitely was like living two doors from hell.:crazyeyes:
Cool trip and pictures! Looks like we share the same interest in Jeeping to and exploring old mines and Arizona history. We've always wanted to explore the southeastern part of the state but never seem to go that way. You've sparked the interest again... Maybe we'll get down there soon and do some wheelin / tunnel exploring together. :thumb:
Cool trip and pictures! Looks like we share the same interest in Jeeping to and exploring old mines and Arizona history. We've always wanted to explore the southeastern part of the state but never seem to go that way. You've sparked the interest again... Maybe we'll get down there soon and do some wheelin / tunnel exploring together. :thumb:

I ready for some adventure! Just need at least two weeks notice. :thumbup:

Sent while sitting on the crapper.
This looks like an awesome trip! I'd love to get out there for a weekend. I need to get the HELL out of Commifornia! :grayno:
Yep! Send em first, if they collapse, head the other direction.

True story: Was in a mine the other day when my friend rips a massive fart... then his o2/h2s sensor went off.

Funny on the sensor! So it sounds like I should just stay out of that mine. Was planning a trip out there again the week after the super bowl. I guess that's why I was feeling faint....Not because of a fart, but maybe low oxygen levels.
Funny on the sensor! So it sounds like I should just stay out of that mine. Was planning a trip out there again the week after the super bowl. I guess that's why I was feeling faint....Not because of a fart, but maybe low oxygen levels.
If you can't be dissuaded and don't value your life enough to buy a sensor; you could check for lack of oxygen with a lighter. This doesn't tell you anything about the air however, just that it contains enough o2 for combustion. Don't forget reliable backup headlamps and a helmet.

Air can go bad in a matter of feet. If you suspect bad air, and can't feel a breeze, you should check often. Ask me how I know. :\
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