RAUSCH CREEK TRIP 10/26-10/27 (GREENS/BLUES with a touch of BLACKS)

Ill give that a try tomorrow. I think the CB antenna will be annoying in parking garages. You guys probably dont run them til trail time right?

Sent from my phone while I should probably be getting work done

ohh and its annoying on the trail too
Just a heads up, a local Jeep and 4x4 shop(Jeff Daniels Jeeps) is having their annual Fall Crawl on October 26th at RC so it may be a little crowded on the trails.
Friday bump? :idontknow:

Anywho, I think I may be going on this trip after all. No camping but I will be there around 8 on Saturday morning and I think my dad is going to come with me. Total offroad noob so go easy on him. On a good note hes cooler than me so yeah :yup:
Friday bump? :idontknow:

Anywho, I think I may be going on this trip after all. No camping but I will be there around 8 on Saturday morning and I think my dad is going to come with me. Total offroad noob so go easy on him. On a good note hes cooler than me so yeah :yup:

Woohooo... Ballz and bigger Ballz coming to town :thumbup:
Wouldn't he be 'Old Ballz'? :cheesy:

Seriously tho, what's all this talk of not camping? That's prime father/son time right there.

That's right, bag the freak show on Friday night and come camping with the old man :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Depends on how old it could be wrinkled ballz.......but hes not that old, I mean hes no Tom ;)

Hes got a bad back and hates the cold.
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