Caught the Bug
ChrisB said:they just switched to live feed:thumb:
Had it, but lost it. Crap! Stupid verizon.
ChrisB said:they just switched to live feed:thumb:
Totally awesome!
Love it!
Edit: I find it annoying and ironic that we can put a rover on mars that only takes 14 minutes to communicate with, yet my cell service sucks so bad I can't watch it in real time.
I know what you mean. The live stream was kinda crappy on my end. But what an achievement for these guy's to get this done.
Holy shit on a cactus, that's a ton of steps to land a rover. Where's our bearded hippy when we need him?
I hope he's not at the Riva Grill in South Lake.
This is crazy exciting, but there is a little part of me that is worried that there are micro-organisms that this could bring back with it that could be hazardous to not only us but our environment. Not by means of radiation but of bacteria or other elements that could spread rapidly and damage our ecosystem. I know this is very VERY unlikely, and “end of days” sounding, but I am hoping it’s a concern of theirs as well.
It surprised me at first how cautious we are about these concerns, but it makes sense given the very concerns you point out.
Don't listen to him Chris, that's what THEY want you to believe. This whole thing is a cover story for the REAL mission that is taking place as we speak. Be afraid, be very afraid! Can't write more THEY are triangulating on my position as I type...
JandSJK said:Lets just hope Optimus gets all the pillars:cheesy: