Random Internet Shit you've come across

I’m not a betting man but, for those who are…
I’m a betting man and I’m saying it’s either going to be Newsom or Moochelle installed to oversee us.
The Right has had enough and is starting to gain ground around the world (see Germany, Ireland, Argentina) so the crackdowns and roundups will begin shortly, coinciding with some sort of big news event.
Not the future I would like for my granddaughter.
Betting man here. I bet they're wrong.

Trump wins primaries, gets a felony conviction at one of his trials and declared ineligible to run, RNC inserts the biggest kiss ass.

Biden wins primaries, either has a medical/psychological episode or the DNC deems him unfit and inserts the farthest left person that has any popularity.

Election night, major scandal, martial law declared, aliens finally come out of hiding and inform us they've been here for eons and are taking over.
We become alien food.
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