Random Internet Shit you've come across

coolest video I saw this weekend.

We considered it, but air travel, lodging, and all would work out to about $2K ea., and that's just not in the budget right now.
We saw them in 2018 on our 40th Anniversary. I surprised the wife by arranging for her to be off work the next day without her knowing, got the tickets, had custom t-shirts made for us. A very memorable experience.
We did see the original Zoo TV tour back in the day.
Also known as Biological Warfare! 🤬
Time to start taking down the crop dusters.
Before too long the PureBloods will be going about daily life in MOPP Level 3 while the folks who love this shit will be wandering around with their mouths wide open looking up at the sky like hungry baby birds.
I can recall the days of my youth and the excitement of watching the vapor trails evaporate as the jets went overhead. Never did the white streaks last for the better part of the day. Who knows what we’ve been subjected to without our consent?🤷‍♂️
Probably only Gates and Soros.
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