Exploring the Remains of a City in Nevada that was Reaching for the Stars


Staff member
In the fall of 2021, Cindy and I decided to get out in Pippi and lose ourselves on a day trip up in beautiful Northern Nevada. As in, we had no real destination in mind and just took whatever trail we came across. In the end, a bulk of our time was spent out in a valley with some good views and in a canyon that was once home to a bustling city filled with people reaching for the stars while digging for their silver lining. I know it isn't much but here are a few pics from our wanderlust.

Here's a shot of Pippi crossing over a small creek that was still flowing in spite of being so late in the year.

Working our way up a narrow canyon to see what little remains of what residents of this mining district called, a "city".

Back in 1861, a rich vein of silver ore was discovered here and in its heyday, there was a Wells Fargo, 3 general stores, 2 hotels, over a dozen saloons, a church and over 1,200 people living here. Today, this is all that remains.

If you can believe it, the largest mine in the district produced about $5,000,000 in silver but in just seven short years, the ore began to tap out and that was the beginning of the end of this once thriving city.


After exploring the city and the few remaining ruins, we made our way back down the fall colored canyon.


Last but not least, a few parting shots as we made our way through a beautiful valley at sunset.

Beautiful photos as usual. Looks like they are straight out of a official Jeep calendar. Always good to see Pippi getting out and stretching her legs.
Beautiful photos as usual. Looks like they are straight out of a official Jeep calendar. Always good to see Pippi getting out and stretching her legs.
Thanks! I know there wasn't much to show on this one but then, there isn't always a whole lot to take pics of especially when you're just out and about and having a great time. :cool:
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