2011 JKX participants: Royal gorge is on fire.

Stay safe everyone! I am really nervous about this year's fire season in our area. Not much snow this winter, already hot temperatures and lightening at night lately. :grayno:
really dry everywhere it seems... cali already tried to burn down a few weeks ago, but our firefighter did a GREAT job of controlling it. Hope everyone stays out of harms way and they can get a hold of it!
4000 acres burned near the gorge, and a couple structures lost. Looked like the gift shop burned to the ground when the fire jumped the river yesterday. 8000 acres burned near my house. They expect 40-60 structures are lost, and 0% containment. Red flag warnings this afternoon for 30mph wind gusts so we will see what happens. I heard the bridge is still standing but took some damage. Right now the Black Forest one is getting the most press because of the number of homes that could be affected.
MAFS C130's are now dropping fire retardant over the Black Forest fire.

Panoramic pics I took about 30 minutes ago. The wind is blowing it north west from us now.


All the smoke reached my work today in Thornton just looked like grey / black fog . . . stay safe down there in the springs
Several of my friends/acquaintances have now lost their homes in Black Forest. The worst for me personally is my dentist. His home there was burglarized about a month ago. He had an amazing alarm/camera system and they were able to catch the thief in his house. He installed even more cameras and last Sunday he and his wife went to Mexico to try to relieve some of the anxiety of having their home and safety invaded like that. He was able to see his home start burning while there in Mexico via the Internet and all his security system cameras. Terrible.
My prayers are going out to all the families, I just left that area last year around this time. I hope all of you stay safe and well prepared to overcome anything that may happen. God bless.
gorge 2.jpg
gorge 3.jpg

Well a fair number of the structures at the Royal Gorge have been consumed. 32 planks of the bridge have also been damaged. The aerial tram has been destroyed and the incline railway to the bottom of the gorge next to the bridge has been damaged. They are reporting zero percent containment this morning. Almost 100 homes in Black Forest have been destroyed.

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Man this keeps getting worse and worse when it should be getting better. Hopefully they can get ahead of it soon. Really amazing pictures.
The Black Forest fire is now the most destructive fire in the states history. 15,000 acres burned and 360 homes lost. It's at 0% containment. The royal gorge fire is at 20% containment I believe and only 3000 acres burned. The bridge lost a few planks and buildings on their property but the bridge is still standing.
The evac area in BF is 47 square miles, that's bigger then the Denver metro area. Watched Blackhawks grab water from out neighborhood all afternoon and evening last night to fight the east side. Crazy winds again today....
They have said they will be open again. The bridge is pretty much ok, it's just their other attraction buildings that they will need to rebuild.
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