Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Just shut up and OBEY!!

The liberals and far left have to be shitting their pants. The tide is definitely shifting and you can feel it. With all of the shit that's been thrown at Trump over the past 3 years, NONE of it has stuck and he's been correct all along with his assertions on Russiagate. Now they are trying to do the same railroad job with the chinese virus and it's not working either.
These are excellent reads for anyone interested. Matt Taibbi is a very good writer that used to be featured in Rolling Stone. Over the years he's changed somewhat in his subject matter and now I can't wait to read his next article.

In these two articles he articulates what every honest person can see what happened to the media over the years in neither a left or right perspective. This is a neutral as it gets. It's long
but you'll be doing yourself a favor reading it and passing this along to anyone that thinks that the press is neutral.
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Actually, Florida has a population of 18,801,310...but your point is still valid...

If Cuomo was the Gov of Florida, and Desantis was the Gov of NY, would the numbers be different?

California has 1700 less deaths than Michigan, but has a population 4 times greater...

Go figure...
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Actually, Florida has a population of 18,801,310...but your point is still valid...

If Cuomo was the Gov of Florida, and Desantis was the Gov of NY, would the numbers be different?

California has 1700 less deaths than Michigan, but has a population 4 times greater...

Go figure...

Seems population density and climate should be factored in when comparing FL & NY[emoji848]

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Facts tell the story more accurately than the media. With similar populations you would think most of the other numbers would be a hell of a lot closer. The media is clearly backing the wrong individual.
More importantly, we should ask ourselves why do they want us to believe the loser is the winner?!

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Cause Cuomo is a Democrat.

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Seoul opened their bars. One infected dude went to 5 of them in one night. He infected 7000 people. Seoul closed their bars.
Anyone self quarantined?

Seoul opened their bars. One infected dude went to 5 of them in one night. He infected 7000 people. Seoul closed their bars.

Brute - that’s simply not true and a complete scare tactic. Last report I read was that 80 new cases have been linked to the guy.

More to the point. Infections are going to happen unless and until there is a vaccine. They only way they won’t happen is if the world is forcibly locked up until the incubation period in the latest infected human has run its course and there is no more live virus to transfer to another host.

By forcibly locked up, I mean every last human being on the planet: no essential versus non-essential, no going to the supermarket...literally not a single human being is allowed to interact with any other single human being who is not living under their own roof. Absent that kind of “get in your bomb shelter and don’t come out until the radiation is gone”, there will be infections.

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Brute - that’s simply not true and a complete scare tactic. Last report I read was that 80 new cases have been linked to the guy.

More to the point. Infections are going to happen unless and until there is a vaccine. They only way they won’t happen is if the world is forcibly locked up until the incubation period in the latest infected human has run its course and there is no more live virus to transfer to another host.

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You're absolutely right.. The point is, one dude impacted the lives of at least 80 other people without even knowing it.

And I'm not saying you shouldn't go to a crowded bar...everyone should have the freedom to make that choice on their own.

To your point, it might be safer to go to a crowded bar in NYC than in Reno...that city may have already reached a herd immunity number at this time...whereas many other places with low infection numbers are not even close...
Actually, Florida has a population of 18,801,310...but your point is still valid...

If Cuomo was the Gov of Florida, and Desantis was the Gov of NY, would the numbers be different?

California has 1700 less deaths than Michigan, but has a population 4 times greater...

Go figure...

Seems population density and climate should be factored in when comparing FL & NY[emoji848]

Seems that population density and climate should have been factored in before all the fear mongers decided for the rest of us that the whole country needed to be shut down.
Seoul opened their bars. One infected dude went to 5 of them in one night. He infected 7000 people. Seoul closed their bars.

As ACTUAL DATA has proven, this thing is way more wide spread and crazy more super contagious but far less deadly than all the experts would have ever imagined. Even if that 7000 number were accurate, that doesn't mean all of them are going to die or even show symptoms of it.
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