Recent Shooting and Discussion

AR-15= armalite rifle model 15. NOT “assault rifle” assault is a verb not a noun. You can assault with a gun with a bat with a fist with a sharpened bar of soap, thanks to dumbass media the term “assault rifle” seems to scare the shit out of everyone. They are extremely effective for home defense, very customizeable (you own a jeep so I assume you understand the pros of this).
I fully believe that there will be no change because the Republicans anytime someone talks about firearms freak the hell out “obama is coming for our guns” and they start hoarding guns and ammo, seen ammo prices lately? Ridiculous. On the other side are people that are not educated even the slightest on firearms that immediately say something stupid and uneducated that makes all firearms owners shut down to any discussion, thereby leaving no room for middle ground.

Now you also see everyone freaking out saying things like other countries with strict gun laws don’t have these problems. Well no. Not exactly they don’t, they do however have bombings and other forms of murder. Hate is hate, regardless of tool. Anyone remember a little while ago an Ariana Grande concert was bombed?
Now onto mental health debates, fine, some things should be in place to make things a bit more thorough for background checks. However, will never fix the problem, it has been proven with studies that many of these mass events are based on getting the attention, the media, the notoriety etc and continue the cycle of copy cats and worse the ones out to one up the previous.

On to my actual point, what’s different now than it used to be? Why do kids think they have no future and so much rage that they idolize the thought of killing innocent(Possibly people that have harmed them in some way vs random people) and committing police-assisted-suicide. They don’t think they have a future, how do you fix that? I think that’s one of the starting points for society as a whole. Instead of just committing suicide they can have all the attention of the world, we’re all actively giving it to him now, Facebook blows up with everyone watching closely, face and name all over the news. Politicians arguing and giving speeches. Step one is call a spade a spade. A person on a killing spree is no different than a person with a pipe bomb, they’re a terrorist and need to be treated as such- regardless of their skin and country of origin.
Step 2 is realize that the media are going to sensationalize the shit out of it because that’s what they do now and have no integrity in reporting, however, report on the victims not the shooter, report on the responders the teachers the heroes. Stop giving them power and fame as it fosters copy cats. View life through Mr. Rogers eyes, find the helpers.

This has never been a problem of what killing tool is used but rather taking steps to limit the occurrences. Admittedly some tools are more effective than others but there will always be a tool.


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AR-15= armalite rifle model 15. NOT “assault rifle” assault is a verb not a noun. You can assault with a gun with a bat with a fist with a sharpened bar of soap, thanks to dumbass media the term “assault rifle” seems to scare the shit out of everyone. They are extremely effective for home defense, very customizeable (you own a jeep so I assume you understand the pros of this).
I fully believe that there will be no change because the Republicans anytime someone talks about firearms freak the hell out “obama is coming for our guns” and they start hoarding guns and ammo, seen ammo prices lately? Ridiculous. On the other side are people that are not educated even the slightest on firearms that immediately say something stupid and uneducated that makes all firearms owners shut down to any discussion, thereby leaving no room for middle ground.

Now you also see everyone freaking out saying things like other countries with strict gun laws don’t have these problems. Well no. Not exactly they don’t, they do however have bombings and other forms of murder. Hate is hate, regardless of tool. Anyone remember a little while ago an Ariana Grande concert was bombed?
Now onto mental health debates, fine, some things should be in place to make things a bit more thorough for background checks. However, will never fix the problem, it has been proven with studies that many of these mass events are based on getting the attention, the media, the notoriety etc and continue the cycle of copy cats and worse the ones out to one up the previous.

On to my actual point, what’s different now than it used to be? Why do kids think they have no future and so much rage that they idolize the thought of killing innocent(Possibly people that have harmed them in some way vs random people) and committing police-assisted-suicide. They don’t think they have a future, how do you fix that? I think that’s one of the starting points for society as a whole. Instead of just committing suicide they can have all the attention of the world, we’re all actively giving it to him now, Facebook blows up with everyone watching closely, face and name all over the news. Politicians arguing and giving speeches. Step one is call a spade a spade. A person on a killing spree is no different than a person with a pipe bomb, they’re a terrorist and need to be treated as such- regardless of their skin and country of origin.
Step 2 is realize that the media are going to sensationalize the shit out of it because that’s what they do now and have no integrity in reporting, however, report on the victims not the shooter, report on the responders the teachers the heroes. Stop giving them power and fame as it fosters copy cats. View life through Mr. Rogers eyes, find the helpers.

This has never been a problem of what killing tool is used but rather taking steps to limit the occurrences. Admittedly some tools are more effective than others but there will always be a tool.


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And, the AR15 was first available to the public, as a sporting rifle, well before the military became interested in it.

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Agreed on all points, and I too went several decades without owning a firing weapon. But, I’m not as young as I used to be (which translates to me recognizing that my ability to incapacitate a younger assailant isn’t what it once was) and the world has changed.

Vegas was an oddity for sure. It was pretty much the only situation where a bump stock would be worth a crap (i.e. site picture irrelevant, spraying the crowd is what mattered). That said, I’m convinced the guy (a pilot) would have just flown a plane full of who knows what into the crowd if he didn’t have the firearms.

As for Florida’s recent tragedy, a couple of magazine fed shotguns or lever action rifles would have yielded similar results.

I'm not familiar with mag fed shotguns...but my dad owned a pair of Browning semi-auto 12 gauges...made in Belgium, they were a work of held 5 rounds, you could put 1 in the chamber for 6...a Benelli M4 semi-auto 12 gauge civilian model is 6 rounds in the tube + 1 in the chamber...a Marlin lever action .45 holds 10 rounds in a tubular magazine...

I'm thinking an AR style semi-auto with a bunch of 30 round mags would optimize rounds fired per minute...even over 9mm semi-auto hand guns...

Shotguns and hand guns may be more lethal in close quarters, but most swat teams or special ops I believe would still choose the AR style platform just for sheer firepower...
Prayers for the 17 kids killed today!

I think the main argument in trying to limit access to weapons like the AR involve the ability to send many more rounds down range in a given time frame from distance than other types of weapons...would you agree that the Las Vegas shooter would most likely have killed far fewer people before responders would have neutralized him (even though he took his own life) had he been armed with a single bolt action rifle?...or the 19 yo kid yesterday?

I really don’t understand why civilians need access to semi automatic high capacity assault rifles.

I completely understand pistols for home protection and conceal carry protection.

I completely understand rifles and shotguns for hunting.

I completely understand sniper rifles for marksmanship sport.

But I do not understand the need for ARs. If nothing changed after 20 elementary students were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, it’s obvious nothing will.

Edit: capacity for volume

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only in merika

Maybe, but there are many other things that are “only in merika”. Sometimes you have to take some bad with the know, the whole balance between safety and liberty?

This country has its faults for sure, but it also has its benefits. For me, those benefits outweigh the faults and exceed those provided in any other nation. But that’s just me; other people may have a different perspective.
AR-15= armalite rifle model 15. NOT “assault rifle” assault is a verb not a noun. You can assault with a gun with a bat with a fist with a sharpened bar of soap, thanks to dumbass media the term “assault rifle” seems to scare the shit out of everyone. They are extremely effective for home defense, very customizeable (you own a jeep so I assume you understand the pros of this).
I fully believe that there will be no change because the Republicans anytime someone talks about firearms freak the hell out “obama is coming for our guns” and they start hoarding guns and ammo, seen ammo prices lately? Ridiculous. On the other side are people that are not educated even the slightest on firearms that immediately say something stupid and uneducated that makes all firearms owners shut down to any discussion, thereby leaving no room for middle ground.

Now you also see everyone freaking out saying things like other countries with strict gun laws don’t have these problems. Well no. Not exactly they don’t, they do however have bombings and other forms of murder. Hate is hate, regardless of tool. Anyone remember a little while ago an Ariana Grande concert was bombed?
Now onto mental health debates, fine, some things should be in place to make things a bit more thorough for background checks. However, will never fix the problem, it has been proven with studies that many of these mass events are based on getting the attention, the media, the notoriety etc and continue the cycle of copy cats and worse the ones out to one up the previous.

On to my actual point, what’s different now than it used to be? Why do kids think they have no future and so much rage that they idolize the thought of killing innocent(Possibly people that have harmed them in some way vs random people) and committing police-assisted-suicide. They don’t think they have a future, how do you fix that? I think that’s one of the starting points for society as a whole. Instead of just committing suicide they can have all the attention of the world, we’re all actively giving it to him now, Facebook blows up with everyone watching closely, face and name all over the news. Politicians arguing and giving speeches. Step one is call a spade a spade. A person on a killing spree is no different than a person with a pipe bomb, they’re a terrorist and need to be treated as such- regardless of their skin and country of origin.
Step 2 is realize that the media are going to sensationalize the shit out of it because that’s what they do now and have no integrity in reporting, however, report on the victims not the shooter, report on the responders the teachers the heroes. Stop giving them power and fame as it fosters copy cats. View life through Mr. Rogers eyes, find the helpers.

This has never been a problem of what killing tool is used but rather taking steps to limit the occurrences. Admittedly some tools are more effective than others but there will always be a tool.


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No rant.... Truth. Well Said.
Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem — Thomas Jefferson.

It means, I prefer the tumult of liberty, to the quiet of servitude.

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I really don’t understand why civilians need access to semi automatic high volume assault rifles.

I completely understand pistols for home protection and conceal carry protection.

I completely understand rifles and shotguns for hunting.

I completely understand sniper rifles for marksmanship sport.

But I do not understand the need for ARs. If nothing changed after 20 elementary students were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, it’s obvious nothing will.

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No such thing as a "semi automatic high volume assault rifles". A rifle is either semi auto which is 1 trigger pull fires one round OR select fire which is 1 trigger pull as many rounds fired as long as triggered is engaged. Many, many rifles like I previously mentioned are semi automatic to include hunting rifles. Lever action and bolt action rifles can be fast and just as deadly.

What is high volume?

Rifles don't assault people.

I stopped reading after that since the first statement was a disaster thus the rest must have been as well.
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Maybe, but there are many other things that are “only in merika”. Sometimes you have to take some bad with the know, the whole balance between safety and liberty?

This country has its faults for sure, but it also has its benefits. For me, those benefits outweigh the faults and exceed those provided in any other nation. But that’s just me; other people may have a different perspective.

I agree that we are fortunate to live in the greatest democracy on the planet...

And I apologize to the op that started this thread...the focus should be on the families that are mourning and grieving for the loss of their heart goes out to them
For those reading this thread who are truly ignorant or naive to why gun rights are so important to many Americans including myself, one must realize our history as a nation. Our founding fathers were under severe tyranny and wanted to ensure absolute freedom for all citizens when they drafted the original documents for this country. They wanted to keep the centralized government as powerless as possible. The primary reason to ensure that gun rights were never infringed was that as a last result we could still defend ourselves against tyranny.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Excerpt from Declaration Of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --

This is why gun rights are extremely important to me and IMO should be to others. Freedom from tyranny. Regardless of events, if we continue to let our gun rights be chipped away at any cost, it jeopardizes our liberty as Americans. Just my opinion.
I'm not familiar with mag fed shotguns...but my dad owned a pair of Browning semi-auto 12 gauges...made in Belgium, they were a work of held 5 rounds, you could put 1 in the chamber for 6...a Benelli M4 semi-auto 12 gauge civilian model is 6 rounds in the tube + 1 in the chamber...a Marlin lever action .45 holds 10 rounds in a tubular magazine...

I'm thinking an AR style semi-auto with a bunch of 30 round mags would optimize rounds fired per minute...even over 9mm semi-auto hand guns...

Shotguns and hand guns may be more lethal in close quarters, but most swat teams or special ops I believe would still choose the AR style platform just for sheer firepower...

Don’t get me wrong, I totally appreciate your point and there is certain validity to it. Notwithstanding the fact that there are 12 gauge shotguns with 20 and 30 round drums, a 6 round shotgun is probably more deadly at close quarters than an AR. Are the same number of people going to get shot in the same amount of time? Probably not. Is the number of fatalities going to be much different? There is a good chance that it won’t depending on the situation and skill level of the crazy.

My real point is that we need to figure out a way to stop people from wanting to hurt each other. Focusing on the how people kill only causes people to find a different how. Let us not forget France, or 911 for that matter. Prior to Vegas, the deadliest mass killing in Nevada was 7 people. It was from a woman intentionally driving over people. I was a kid and remember it well.
I agree that we are fortunate to live in the greatest democracy on the planet...

Not a democracy, it is a Republic. ;)

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” -Ben Franklin
No such thing as a "semi automatic high volume assault rifles". A rifle is either semi auto which is 1 trigger pull fires one round OR select fire which is 1 trigger pull as many rounds fired as long as triggered is engaged. Many, many rifles like I previously mentioned are semi automatic to include hunting rifles. Lever action and bolt action rifles can be fast and just as deadly.

What is high volume?

Rifles don't assault people.

I stopped reading after that since the first statement was a disaster thus the rest must have been as well.

High capacity.

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