The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

I think all humans are capable of intolerance and hypocrisy. With that being said, I see WAY more of it on the left than the right. I was raised conservative but grew up in an area amongst liberals. Back then, no one really seemed to care if people disagreed. But now, I really do see the left being much less tolerant than the right, but that's just me. And honestly, it's a general statement and I realized each individual may differ from the party itself. Anyone in this country who truly sides with the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, that tends to be what I tolerate.

Yup. Exactly.
At the risk of sounding narcistic, this is a thread about people who "hate" on ME on my YouTube channel. Now, unless you're suggesting that I am or have ever been intolerant of others, there really is only ONE SIDE doing all the hating and because of a sign I just happen to have hanging in my garage.

I mean, if you’re saying that you’re not getting any hate from conservatives I obviously have to agree. Like minded people generally don’t hate each other that much, so really there’s only one side for you personally to get hate from.

People like Brute, JAGS, dan.lau and others have all made posts on this forum that I couldn't have disagreed with more. Some were in regards to the china virus, some were made in regards to racism and yet, we still have remained friends and have even got out to dinner just last week. That isn't just tolerance, it's RESPECT for each other. So, unless you can show me proof of otherwise, your hypothetical question means a whole lot of nothing.

I respect and appreciate that you have friends with differing opinions with whom you can have intelligent conversations. I have a similarly diverse friend group and think it’s an important part of having a well rounded perspective.

As in, they paid to go to the game and expressed their opinion. To me, this is a far cry from people marching down neighborhoods late at night, telling people to take down their AMERICAN flags or else they'll come back and burn their house down or getting in peoples faces demanding they kneel or raise their hand in a BLM fist or be hurt. This is to say nothing about the destruction of property, the burning of buildings or the tearing down of national monuments. Sorry, you'll get no sympathy from me over people "booing". :naw:

I’m certainly not looking for or deserving of any sympathy. Just using it as an example of intolerance.

I’m not trying to make an argument pro or con BLM and I’m certainly not comparing people booing to people rioting. I realize those are on different scales, but since we kind of went there: I’d like to add that judging all BLM supporters by the actions of a few is no better than judging all cops by the actions of a few or judging all gun owners by the actions of a few.

And I would disagree. From MY perspective, all the hate I've been getting has been one sided and all just because of a sign I just happen to have hanging on my garage wall. The day you see me trying to cancel someone just for trying to share their political opinion, passive or otherwise, let me know and we can have this conversation again.

Saying that there’s intolerance on both sides wasn’t me saying that I’ve seen you be intolerant. I haven’t, but I have seen intolerance towards differing opinions on this forum. Which for the record doesn’t bother me one bit, I like to think I’m a realist about the state of things in regards to the outrage culture that currently exists. I just think it’s important to realize that the growing division in this country isn’t solely the fault of one side.

PS - this is my first attempt at splitting a quote up, hopefully it’s not totally unintelligible.

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I mean, if you’re saying that you’re not getting any hate from conservatives I obviously have to agree. Like minded people generally don’t hate each other that much, so really there’s only one side for you personally to get hate from.

LOL - Umm, no. What I'm saying is that I, as in me, has not been giving any of the hate. That would be an example of "both sides". You know, because this is a thread about people who hate on me. :crazyeyes:

I respect and appreciate that you have friends with differing opinions with whom you can have intelligent conversations. I have a similarly diverse friend group and think it’s an important part of having a well rounded perspective.

And I would agree. All I have been saying is that for the first time in my life, I have been seeing people who've been intolerant of ME and to the point where they actually hate me and try to cancel me and all because of a sign I have on my garage wall. What I've posted here on the forum is just a small example of what I've seen and experienced.

I’m certainly not looking for or deserving of any sympathy. Just using it as an example of intolerance.

Well, for me personally, it's not a very good example. But then, that's just me.

I’m not trying to make an argument pro or con BLM and I’m certainly not comparing people booing to people rioting. I realize those are on different scales, but since we kind of went there: I’d like to add that judging all BLM supporters by the actions of a few is no better than judging all cops by the actions of a few or judging all gun owners by the actions of a few.

To be clear, I'm not the one who brought up BLM or any kind of comparison for that matter. I was simply responding to you and the example you gave.

Saying that there’s intolerance on both sides wasn’t me saying that I’ve seen you be intolerant. I haven’t...
But, this whole thread is about people who hate on me. If you haven't seen me be intolerant of others, there's nothing more that should be said. Or, at least to me anyway.

...but I have seen intolerance towards differing opinions on this forum. Which for the record doesn’t bother me one bit, I like to think I’m a realist about the state of things in regards to the outrage culture that currently exists.

Sorry, you'd have to show me specific examples of this "intolerance towards differing opinions" that you've seen for me to take that seriously.

I just think it’s important to realize that the growing division in this country isn’t solely the fault of one side.

Never said anything about the growing division in this country. All I ever did was share the hate and intolerance that I personally have seen against me and all because of a sign I have hanging in my garage. In spite of what you choose to believe, it is ALL coming from one side. I have yet to see a single example of someone on that side say that they disagree with me but can still appreciate the content that I provide. NOT A SINGLE INSTANCE.

AGAIN, I can only go off of what I have personally seen and experienced or at least, on this thread anyway.
I have yet to see a single example of someone on that side say that they disagree with me but can still appreciate the content that I provide. NOT A SINGLE INSTANCE

Well allow me to be the first.


Though in fairness I’m probably more of a left leaning independent, so maybe I don’t really count...

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LOL - and yet another! This one comes from an Erico Antonio. I never knew that here in American, people weren't allowed to have a difference in opinion or at least, not without being hated on.

View attachment 353454

I always watch the content of your videos, not what’s in the garage. Am I doing it wrong? [emoji848]

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I’m just trying to figure out why nobody has said a word about the rainbow flag in Overlander’s garage!

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I’m just trying to figure out why nobody has said a word about the rainbow flag in Overlander’s garage!

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I literally just went back two pages thinking “did I post a picture here?”

And after two pages I said wait, I don’t have a rainbow flag in my garage. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
At the risk of sounding narcistic, this is a thread about people who "hate" on ME on my YouTube channel. Now, unless you're suggesting that I am or have ever been intolerant of others, there really is only ONE SIDE doing all the hating and because of a sign I just happen to have hanging in my garage.

People like Brute, JAGS, dan.lau and others have all made posts on this forum that I couldn't have disagreed with more. Some were in regards to the china virus, some were made in regards to racism and yet, we still have remained friends and have even got out to dinner just last week. That isn't just tolerance, it's RESPECT for each other. So, unless you can show me proof of otherwise, your hypothetical question means a whole lot of nothing.

As in, they paid to go to the game and expressed their opinion. To me, this is a far cry from people marching down neighborhoods late at night, telling people to take down their AMERICAN flags or else they'll come back and burn their house down or getting in peoples faces demanding they kneel or raise their hand in a BLM fist or be hurt. This is to say nothing about the destruction of property, the burning of buildings or the tearing down of national monuments. Sorry, you'll get no sympathy from me over people "booing". :naw:

And I would disagree. From MY perspective, all the hate I've been getting has been one sided and all just because of a sign I just happen to have hanging on my garage wall. The day you see me trying to cancel someone just for trying to share their political opinion, passive or otherwise, let me know and we can have this conversation again.

I think intolerance comes with the lack of honest conversation. People make assumptions and associations all the time. You have a trump flag, so you must be (fill in).

But for those who’ve spent any time with you (using you as an example, not the example) they would more than likely paint a different picture.

For whatever reason many are stuck in the bad loop.

That said, you were trolled long before trump. You will be trolled long after trump. Can’t please everyone. Nor should you try. Funny that people care enough about a YouTube video, let alone what’s in your fucking garage, and to the point of actually calling you out.

And yeah, I hope our long friendship affords us the ability to respect eachother for what we have in common. 🥃
LOL - I just don't get these self-important internet douchebags who feel the need to bitch about videos they claim they enjoy. Here's one from a guy named Manolo who's whining about our latest KC video being "invasive propaganda". AS IF we're somehow forcing Barry here to watch our video. :naw:

LOL - I just don't get these self-important internet douchebags who feel the need to bitch about videos they claim they enjoy. Here's one from a guy named Manolo who's whining about our latest KC video being "invasive propaganda". AS IF we're somehow forcing Barry here to watch our video. :naw:

View attachment 353722

Invasive propaganda? Did I miss something? Fuck now I gotta rewatch to see what this tool is talking about.

Invasive propaganda? Did I miss something? Fuck now I gotta rewatch to see what this tool is talking about.

That's what I'm thinking. Watch it again while I stop for lunch.
Maybe Eddie should shoot a video with some kind of t-shirt, that sets 'em off.
The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

Invasive propaganda? Did I miss something? Fuck now I gotta rewatch to see what this tool is talking about.

View attachment 353723

Lol, kinda my feelings too. Thought the lights were cool and wanted to see what they were about, didn’t think about propaganda.

Also never noticed the sign either.

Clearly I’m paying way too much attention to the Jeeps. Are there half naked women in these videos too? I hope I’m not missing those!

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LOL - here's one I got from a guy who calls himself truedeadman. Apparently, he's got his panties in a bunch because the first 3:30 minutes of our video was "useless" and he didn't like me making a point.

LOL - So, YouTube has made a recent change in how they deliver commercials with videos over a specified length of time now getting more of them. Of course, this is somehow our fault and for guys like Billy Crowell, it's enough to make him unsubscribe to our channel.

Billy Crowell.jpg
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