Rock Lights - Walmart Platinum Burner Installation Write-Up

Installed my burners last week before our trip this past weekend. Didn't expect to use them but we got caught on the trial at night. With the stock plastic front bumper still I expected that to block a lot of
The light but man for only $18 these burners were impressive!

This is the only good picture I have with them. But has anyone tried running two more sets of the burners? Maybe in the middle and a set in the rear, if so can you just splice them into the same switch or do you need 3 separate switches? I'm worried it will be too much draw from the one wire to the battery and fuse.

Awesome, looks great! I have run a pair at the waist and at the rear but on separate switches. IF you choose to run them all on the same switch, you will want to use a relay and make sure to run the proper gauge wire.
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