Race Radios

Internet forums are interesting.

1. There are folks with expertise who make a post to share that expertise with others.
2. There are folks who are looking to learn.
3. There are counter experts who disagree (politely and with new info) with #1 above.

at which point
#4. Person #1 has an interesting discussion with #3 and often #2s and we all learn something.

5. Person #1 gets pissy because somebody had the audacity to disagree with them.

and then there are
6. Folks who just like to complain, but they add no experience, expertise, nor value.
7. Folks who are intimidated by those with expertise. So they ridicule.

8. folks who make sarcastic remarks but they are on point and funny.

The world is a better place and the forum is more productive when we stay in category 1-4 above.
Plus #8. Well placed humor is good.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, it can be difficult to avoid #5. I've done it, not something to be proud of. If you've been on the internet news groups (before the WWW existed) you understand the term "flame war." We learned that without being able to see your face and hear your tone of voice, what you intended as #8 funny sarcasm in good taste - can sound like #6,7.

Being polite costs nothing - and is a sign of strength.
Acknowledging the expertise of others costs nothing - and is a sign of your strength.
I hope you stick around.
I use an Icom F5021, essentially, what PCI sells but as mentioned, they are pricey. I have been able to buy a couple of used ones on eBay like this:

And they are cheaper, but one of the 2 that I got had a bad mic. Fortunately, replacement mics aren't too expensive.

I should note, if you go this route, you will need to have the radio programmed. I do have the software, cable and channels you'd want and can help with this but I would have to do it in person. Maybe a future suds-n-grub or something? LOL
I know this is an old post bump. Been looking at radios/race radio options. Found several icoms on eBay. The 5021 and 6021. Is programming a PITA if I go this route?

Also curious if I should even bother installing my CB at this point?
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