Israeli Technology Turns Air Into Drinking Water For Troops


Staff member
Man, you've just gotta love Israeli military technology! Maybe someday a smaller scale version can be made available to the public. The possibilities of something like simply boggles the mind. Check it out...


Article was found here: r+For+Troops

And, before you say it, yes, it does seem to be nothing more than a big dehumidifier BUT, this thing is supposed to work effectively in the desert and, that's not something a dehumidifier would be able to do let alone produce as much water per day especially in those conditions.
Thats a cool design. I couldn't tell you how many cases of water we went through in a day. I know of guys including myself that would carry 2 or 3 cases of water to the tents daily. I know the guys running around in the MRAPs would take at least 2 cases of water on a short convoy mission (3-4hrs) and be dying of thirst when they got back.
That's awesome!

And I can't help but think that would make the ultimate overlanding accessory!
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru have been using these since a long time a galaxy far, far away.
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