I have one. It was a gift from my Dad to use when I did the TAT.
It's like every other Garmin I have or had, it works every time. As said above it's a bit big and bulky but I like it for the large screen.
So far it's only been mounted in my Tacoma so I can't speak for how it fits in the JLUR.
Lot's of fun features, easy to use, I have the TAT installed and that was easy using Garmin Base Camp.
Would I buy it myself being essentially computer illiterate? YES.
I have no patience with tablets and the like.
Being a retired mechanic tools are important and When I need a GPS I want a GPS not some converted phone or the like.
It's too bad your so far away. I'd loan you mine and let you "demo" it for a few days.....
PS if I remember, I'll stick it in the JL and take a pic for size comparisons.