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  1. Akdiesel


    I'm a bit of a nerd and an avid reader. I read many kinds of books and am looking for some suggestions of a good series to read. Best book I've read in the past year is Redeployment by Phil Klay.
  2. Akdiesel

    Midnight in AK

    Cloudy and rainy but this is midnight in Fairbanks, AK. It's rare I'm up this late but I wanted to share.
  3. Akdiesel

    Build Advice

    Hey guys, Glad to be here and hoping to build my Jeep well but had questions. I am a newbie and wanted to do it once and be done. I am interested in 37s, flat fenders, stubby bumper, winch, OBA and all the supporting mods. I would really love to run 40s but I don't know that I will ever have the...
  4. Akdiesel

    American Honey

    The JKX videos make me crave this nectar of the gods.
  5. Akdiesel

    Alaskan Sahara advice

    Hey guys, I have a 2012 Sahara JKU auto and its bone stock. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska so no rock crawling just trails and swamp/muskeg. It is my daily driver so I need something reliable since I drive about 60 miles round trip daily on my work weeks. I would like to run 37s and upgrade to a 44...
  6. Akdiesel

    Way Up North Wave

    Hey guys, Newer Jeeper here from Fairbanks, Alaska. Love the JKX series of videos and it's what brought me to the site. Someday I'd like to build my Jeep to be able to run an event like that. Thanks for having me
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