Help me name my Jeep!


New member
I have heard all these awesome names that people have developed for their jeep and it has mee scratching my head as to a sweet name for mine. I want it to be tough and one word.
Names that I have heard that are great, but I wont "steal" are RubiKong, Kracken, etc. Mine is Silver and going to have all Black armor and slight King Shock Blue accents throughout......GO!
that's a tough one. more times than not, names just kinda find your jeep but, i'll give it some thought and hopefully others will too and together, maybe we can help you find something :cool:
Well, like Coors, he will hopfully be "tapping the Rockies" in his rig, so it makes sense. Haha
The first thing that came to my head was the silver bullet but thats too long. I was thinking something like bruiser since its black and blue but I feel like I have heard that somewhere before....ill keep pondering
WOH111 said:
How Ranger. Like Lone Ranger. Or Hi-Ho, as in hi-ho silver.

Once saw a license plate that read "I O AG". Took me a minute.

Not that this helps the OP any. :)

FWIW: I like "tipsy".
I like this thread, everyone I know has a name for their Jeep, I dont, the wife and I always just say 'the Jeep', if we bought another one I imagine 'the Jeep' would still mean the Jeep lol, I realized awhile back that I always without fail capitalize the word Jeep, so I guess thats its name (thats what it says on its birth certificate too so).

I still wouldnt mind renaming mine someday if a great name occured to me, I guess if I ever flop it I can name it Phideaux, since it rolls over, plays dead, and likes having its belly scratched lmao.
Once saw a license plate that read "I O AG". Took me a minute.

Not that this helps the OP any. :)

FWIW: I like "tipsy".

That's a cool plate. Unless you took Chemistry you might not get it.

I think the name has to find the Jeep. My '01 Mustang GT is Thunder because when my son was 3 or 4 he said "Daddy your Mustang sounds like thunder it is so loud." So it stuck.

I started calling my Jeep "Fins" since we are Parrotheads and the license plate is PHNZUP. But we really don't call our cars by their names...we just always say Taking the Jeep or the truck or the Mustang.
StrizzyChris said:
I really like this also.....except that in the off chance that i flip her people wojld point and laugh at the irony in my hood decal :doh:

Then put the hood decal on upside down... Haha.
Tipsy sounds like a winner to me. Add the decal at a 45' angle from the edge of the hood towards the center if you're too worried about it
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