Looks Like We're Gonna Get Us a Jeep Truck!!


Staff member
Check it out!! Chrysler has updated its chart of upcoming vehicles for the next few years and take a look at what we can expect to see...

Preview of Mopar Future (fixed)

The new Wrangler platform is due in 2015 or 2016 or so, along with plant changes to allow for greater flexibility and output. We believe a Wrangler-based pickup is a sure thing; the other new vehicle may be either a variant of the Wrangler itself, or something else based on the same chassis, e.g. a chassis cab truck, a hard-roof version, or a J8-type series of vehicles for flexible military and NGO use.


I may be blind but i dont see where it says Jeep truck? Are they assuming the closed roof is going to be it? :thinking:
Isn't the Scrambler the original stretched wrangler, before the Unlimited...? The Comanche was their last pickup truck. Noticed that in the article about the truck in the other thread too.



2016 is good for that because I will be ready to buy by then. :yup:
Isn't the Scrambler the original stretched wrangler, before the Unlimited...? The Comanche was their last pickup truck. Noticed that in the article about the truck in the other thread too.

Scrambler was set up as a truck. They came in a closed cab open bed as well.:yup:
I don't know about that "closed top wrangler". Maybe if the Sahara came as a closed top, with the option on a Rubi. But a Wrangler with a non removable top? Would it not have removable doors then as well?
More in the news about this!!

The Jeep Wrangler Pickup May Finally Be Happening


We've made it extremely clear that we've wanted nothing more in life from Chrysler than a Jeep pickup truck. We love Jeep pickup trucks. Because America. Now Jeep is indicating that they're into it, too. Are you screwing with us Jeep? Are you trying to scramble our brains? We take this very seriously.

Jeep's Mike Manley, the most appropriately named brand president since Ferrari's Mario Fuoco, told Bloomberg that he's a "big fan of a Wrangler-based pickup" and mentioned the U.S. market would be a huge source of demand. You think?

To be fair, Jeep already offers a Jeep Wrangler pickup kit that costs $5,499 and requires you to take your own Jeep apart. Totally worth it.

Besides appealing to Jalopnik readers – a high priority for the entire Fiat corporation – this makes sense from a business perspective. The Mitsubishi-clone Dodge Dakota was a miss and there's nothing obvious on the horizon. A Jeep truck could have appeal to smaller truck buyers.

Also, it's awesome. Now can we get a Cherokee-based Comanche?

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