I would have called in the national guard to retake CHAZ, by extreme force if necessary. It disgusted me to watch people take over the police station and implement their own "law". What happened over the summer in certain locations was not free speech, was not peaceful protesting, and was not appropriate in our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.

My feelings are even more strong about today's events. The capital police should use whatever force is necessary to force those thugs out of the capital building. Storming a government building through force and threat of force and disrupting the political process bears no place in our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.

Why is it so hard for so many people to believe that maybe, just maybe, more people actually voted for Biden? Given the population disbursement, it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I know how things played out in Nevada and, despite being given every opportunity to do so, Trump's legal team could not prove any fraud at all. At some point it gets pretty fucking old to keep hearing "fraud, fraud, fraud" without being provided any actual proof. From my perspective, it's just more cancel culture bullshit but from a different group.

Regardless, this country is headed to a bad place if this shit keeps up and I think the radical right grossly overestimates the number of people in this country who support this kind of violent behavior.
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I would have called in the national guard to retake CHAZ, by extreme force if necessary. It disgusted me to watch people take over the police station and implement their own "law". What happened over the summer in certain locations was not free speech, was not peaceful protesting, and was not appropriate in our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.

My feelings are even more strong about today's events. The capital police should use whatever force is necessary to force those thugs out of the capital building. Storming a government building through force and threat of force and disrupting the political process bears no place in our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.

Why is it so hard for so many people to believe that maybe, just maybe, more people actually voted for Biden? Given the population disbursement, it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I know how things played out in Nevada and, despite being given every opportunity to do so, Trump's legal team could not prove any fraud at all. At some point it gets pretty fucking old to keep hearing "fraud, fraud, fraud" without being provided any actual proof. From my perspective, it's just more cancel culture bullshit but from a different group.

Regardless, this country is headed to a bad place if this shit keeps up and I think the radical right grossly overestimates the number of people in this country who support this kind of violent behavior.
I agree with what you said Sharkey, but the reason why they don't want to accept the election is because the democrats for 4 years wouldn't accept the 2016 election. And did everything they could to get Trump out of office

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That’s quite an idiotic statement. Not surprised you’re one of the first to rush in and claim “trump supporters storming and shots fired”.

There’s not even trash being left on the ground, but today the national guard has to be called in while all 2020, it was “just peaceful protesters”. All the cheating, lying, and outright theft by the democratic socialist party was always going to lead to massive division.

To be clear, I don’t agree with breaking things in the Capital or taking trophy pictures behind Members desks, etc. It does not appear that was the majority of the massive crowd today. Unfortunately the left, mainstream media and social media gods have taken away any form of medium for any voice who does not wholly agree with the will of the far left.

The claims of today’s events as “terrorist, sedition, insurrection, etc only continues to inflame and create further division and distrust.

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The woman who was shot has died...but at least there was no trash left...

Was I incorrect in saying they were Trump supporters?...
I myself think it’s long overdue to throw these pieces of shit out of office. They tax us to death take away our freedoms little by little. And could give two shits about the people they are supposed to represent.
Remember this if it wasn’t for violence we would still be ruled by a king. If it wasn’t for violence we would be speaking German or Japanese . This was peaceful they didn’t burn it down I saw no bricks being thrown or police being beaten . This was a message that we the people are fed up. And if you want to believe that Joe Biden was elected legally that’s your right but I for don’t believe for minute that he won legally and that there was massive fraud . But to each there own.
The woman who was shot has died...but at least there was no trash left...

Was I incorrect in saying they were Trump supporters?...
Yes you are incorrect, they're Americans fighting to protect our democracy.

But let me guess, if that was a Democrat, antifa, or BLM protester, hell let's just call them "Biden's protesters" that got shot there be a fucking uproar right now.

There would already be another protest started over the protests.
Yes you are incorrect, they're Americans fighting to protect our democracy.

But let me guess, if that was a Democrat, antifa, or BLM protester, hell let's just call them "Biden's protesters" that got shot there be a fucking uproar right now.

There would already be another protest started over the protests.

So...if you disagree with the outcome of an election, you should riot and try by force to change the that the democracy you are speaking of?

I don’t think that’s American...

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I don’t think the ‘counting’ the votes is the issue, I am fairly confident that those chosen to count ballots can add/subtract. It’s confirming ‘who’ casted the votes. How many dead people are getting ballots still? There is little to no verification / validation when voting by mail, which begs to wonder why one party pushes this over voting in person.

There were 2 layers of ID verification when I voted in person, when I saw someone drop off ballot they didn’t show shit. And with people being allowed to drop off other ballots!? With the dead not being purged, identify theft, etc, I have no doubt there was voter fraud in this election more than any other. Remember, this was the most important election of a lifetime.

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The woman who was shot has died...but at least there was no trash left...

Was I incorrect in saying they were Trump supporters?...

You were the first to run in declaring bad trump supporters and then the first to take it to “orange man is bad and stupid and this is all his fault”. This is the problem with society today, it’s always completely the other sides fault.

The “woman who has died” was a trump supporter wrapped in a trump flag. In the video she does not look armed and unfortunately sounds and looms like may have been shot by blue forces.

No one in their right minds all 2020 said the unarmed protesters who were not threatening bodily harm, should be shot with lethal rifle.

Should she have been, detained, arrested, punished, possibly, but shot on site in the back of the neck,......certainly doesn’t sound like justice to me.

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I don’t agree with storming the capital, but I am heck of a lot more ok with it than the riots and destroying of small businesses I saw over 2020...before the election. I guess BLM and all that aren’t important now.

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I agree with what you said Sharkey, but the reason why they don't want to accept the election is because the democrats for 4 years wouldn't accept the 2016 election. And did everything they could to get Trump out of office

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app

I don’t disagree with that. But, there is an appropriate forum and manner in which to address those concerns. Breaking windows in the Capital Building does more damage to anti-progressivism than a long shot.

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So...if you disagree with the outcome of an election, you should riot and try by force to change the that the democracy you are speaking of?

I don’t think that’s American...

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I can easily say, if you don’t agree with the outcome of an election claim Russian conspiracies, force impeachment over a non-issue that Biden actually committed and basically pout in the corner and refuse to help the American people to make POTUS look bad.

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You were the first to run in declaring bad trump supporters and then the first to take it to “orange man is bad and stupid and this is all his fault”. This is the problem with society today, it’s always completely the other sides fault.

The “woman who has died” was a trump supporter wrapped in a trump flag. In the video she does not look armed and unfortunately sounds and looms like may have been shot by blue forces.

No one in their right minds all 2020 said the unarmed protesters who were not threatening bodily harm, should be shot with lethal rifle.

Should she have been, detained, arrested, punished, possibly, but shot on site in the back of the neck,......certainly doesn’t sound like justice to me.

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Assuming it was law enforcement that shot her, what happened to “back the blue?” Presumably the officer felt use of deadly force was justified. I haven’t seen any information to suggest otherwise.

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So...if you disagree with the outcome of an election, you should riot and try by force to change the that the democracy you are speaking of?

I don’t think that’s American...

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So you’re okay with mass cheating of and within our Republic? Literally all evidence points towards cheating. From suitcases being dragged in, hundreds of first hand affidavits, math that simply does not add up, undercover video showing cheaters preparing for the election including discussing their “fees”, and on and on and on........

This isn’t a few disgruntled far right wingers as the mainstream media would have you believe. Over 3/4 of those who voted for trump, believe there was widespread fraud. That is a huge portion of the entire population that is being told to sit down and accept it even though their is a mountain of evidence. As I said previously, this was inevitable. And if the mainstream media really thinks this was “terrorist” and “insurrection”, could you image what they would have called George Washington and the Founding Fathers.

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Assuming it was law enforcement that shot her, what happened to “back the blue?” Presumably the officer felt use of deadly force was justified. I haven’t seen any information to suggest otherwise.

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Who said “back the blue” no matter what? All I said was an apparent unarmed young female with a trump flag wrapped around her was apparently killed by a suppressed shot. The only person in the video you see with a suppressor or any kind of weapon at all for that matter is an officer in tactical gear.

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Why is it so hard for so many people to believe that maybe, just maybe, more people actually voted for Biden? Given the population disbursement, it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. I know how things played out in Nevada and, despite being given every opportunity to do so, Trump's legal team could not prove any fraud at all. At some point it gets pretty fucking old to keep hearing "fraud, fraud, fraud" without being provided any actual proof. From my perspective, it's just more cancel culture bullshit but from a different group.

My issue, Sharks, is why isn't there accountability in these disputed areas? There should have been an automatic audit triggered in these disputed areas that was fully transparent. If this was done proactively then Trump wouldn't have a leg to stand on and this whole mess could have been avoided and he could be told to go shit in his hat. If this was done in these specific areas and I am unaware of that, then shame on me, I am ignorant.

CIA: Snowden leaks and Expose, etc, etc
FBI: Spygate, Russia, Russia, Russia, etc, etc
Military Contractors

That list could be pages long for both parties, all administrations, and virtually every government program and institution in existence.
My point is they all suck to one degree or the other and. There isn't one on that very brief list that deserves our trust regardless of party. Scandals are a part of every administration and agency, state, local, and federal.

And these are the asshats that we entrust to count and validate our sacrosanct votes? We deserve better. Way better.
Rant ahead: I'm sick of people like Biden, Kamala, the bushes, the obamas, the clintons, many in congress, etc. All these people that claim to be leaders and protectors of our liberty but fuck over our liberties every chance they get. Although I'm not a 'trump supporter,' I can honestly say that he's probably the first president I've seen since Reagan that actually seems to show regard for freedom and liberty. He's far from perfect and there's many things about him I don't like but I can certainly see why so many people love him and are there today. Biden's already talking about things like major financial rape of the people and a nationwide mask mandate among with other things. Biden's just another guy that people like me are sick of seeing in government. Not to mention the guy can't even read or form a sentence and he disgusts me the way he touches kids. I think if Biden wasn't just another system scumbag, we'd have far less people protesting the election there today. With that being said, I do find it very hard to believe that Biden legitimately won. I have a few friends that are very liberal that said they wouldn't vote for Biden, I've seen less than ten real life Biden/Harris signs or stickers ever, the support at his rallies were ghost towns, whereas Trump...His rallies were packed, his signs are everywhere, I still see his signs everywhere. I really do find it hard to believe that 70 million people would vote for Biden. I really think what happened today was that the American People are showing how tired they are of getting fucked.
So...if you disagree with the outcome of an election, you should riot and try by force to change the that the democracy you are speaking of?

I don’t think that’s American...

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Hey monkey see monkey do. Just taken a page out of the ole democrats attacking law enforcement playbook.

I dont not condone the violence. I personally think it's pointless to protest, but like I always say fuck around and find out and thats what happen today.
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My issue, Sharks, is why isn't there accountability in these disputed areas? There should have been an automatic audit triggered in these disputed areas that was fully transparent. If this was done proactively then Trump wouldn't have a leg to stand on and this whole mess could have been avoided and he could be told to go shit in his hat. If this was done in these specific areas and I am unaware of that, then shame on me, I am ignorant.

CIA: Snowden leaks and Expose, etc, etc
FBI: Spygate, Russia, Russia, Russia, etc, etc
Military Contractors

That list could be pages long for both parties, all administrations, and virtually every government program and institution in existence.
My point is they all suck to one degree or the other and. There isn't one on that very brief list that deserves our trust regardless of party. Scandals are a part of every administration and agency, state, local, and federal.

And these are the asshats that we entrust to count and validate our sacrosanct votes? We deserve better. Way better.

Again, I don’t disagree. I don’t particularly like politicians from either side, at any level. But, elections have consequences and we have nobody to blame but ourselves for the current state of our republic.

I’m pretty sure that I have previously said on this forum that I believe there are better ways to ensure that every person lawfully able to vote has the ability to do so, and that their vote can be confirmed. It’s laughable to me that every day folks like you and me have zero issues using things like docusign to sign our lives away to 30-year mortgages, to file our taxes and receive our refunds, and that the biggest companies in the world conduct business through electronic transactions...but we are afraid to implement a true electronic voting system. But, but, fraud!

I’m tired of hearing about voter fraud. Proving fraud (in a civil context) requires “clear and convincing” evidence. Proving criminal fraud is an even higher standard. Despite all of the chest pounding and bloviating, I have yet to see anyone actually meet the requisite burden, much less even meet the lower civil standard of a “preponderance of the evidence.” Anecdotes are worthless. Many, many conservative judges across the country weighed the various arguments and “evidence” and found nothing that would indicate a concerted attempt to steal an election or actual fraud. Just saying it happened doesn’t make it true, unless you are five and on the playground. But I digress.

Let’s take today’s actions down to an individual level. If I think a police officer is not correctly enforcing the law, what should I do under our constitutional republic? Punch him/her in the face, take his/her patrol vehicle, and pronounce myself as the real “law”? If not, why not? How in the fuck is that any different than storming the Capital Building through force? Oh, wait...patriot. Well, the distinction between a patriot and a seditionist is merely a matter of who ultimately wins control of the government, right?

And to those of you who would say “it’s time to throw them all out of Congress”. Through force, really? And who do we put in their place? The person who did the storming? You? Me? What a fucking joke!!

The far right is no different than the far left. Opinions only matter to them if they are the opinions they want to hear. From where I sit, they can both fuck right off.

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