Watcha cookin'?

It is by far the best tasting turkey I've ever made. We stuff cloves of garlic into it, inject it with a marinade, and rub it down with butter. In 2.5-3hrs u have a golden brown fall off the bone masterpiece

-Molon labe-
These are some 100% raw vegan dishes I have been making lately.

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Raw vegan pizza.

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Raw vegan pumpkin pie

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and here is some raw kelp noodles with mushrooms and tomatoes
Not my thing, but don't look half bad. Are you a Vegan Noah, or just like eating different types of food? Cause that looks pretty serious.

I have been a raw vegan for 10 months now and I have lost over a 170 pounds eating this way. ;)
I have been a raw vegan for 10 months now and I have lost over a 170 pounds eating this way. ;)

Congrats on losing the weight Noah! I lost over 100 pounds about 3 years ago on the Atkins Diet eating Hooter's chicken wings. :thumb:
Congrats on losing the weight Noah! I lost over 100 pounds about 3 years ago on the Atkins Diet eating Hooter's chicken wings. :thumb:

Thats awesome its really a big accomplishment loosing that much weight. I tried the atkins awhile back with no luck on loosing weight.
Thats awesome its really an accomplish loosing that much weight. I tried the atkins awhile back with no luck on loosing weight.

I have heard the same about that diet. I look at it as whatever works works. I have had family members try it with no luck and a buddy of mine try it and he lost 50 pounds as well.
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