VIDEO - POWDER PLAY : Moby Having Some Fun in Fresh Sierra Snow


Staff member
Just when you think winter is finally over, mother nature has a way of throwing some more of the white stuff at ya. And, if it's gonna be a powder day, who can resist getting out and doing a little powder playing! It's nothing special but here's a short video clip of Moby having some fun out in some fresh fluffy snow. We hope you enjoy.

So awesome! I wish we got snow like that here on the east coast. It is usually just ice or slush.
Wow, just watched this in my jeep with my two 12 inch subs and holy cow it sounds amazing! Felt like I was at an imax movie! That was awesome and just made my day. Thanks y'all!!!!!
Cool....or should I say looks like fun but you can keep the snow up there.....thank ya....

Thanks for the Vid!
Looks like FUN! I'm going out at least one more time!

Just when you think winter is finally over, mother nature has a way of throwing some more of the white stuff at ya. And, if it's gonna be a powder day, who can resist getting out and doing a little powder playing! It's nothing special but here's a short video clip of Moby having some fun out in some fresh fluffy snow. We hope you enjoy.


I'm going out before the dang snow melts! It's been too warm here for my liking. Funny how one acclimates to the region. We're not in So Cal anymore! At least not right now. :)
POWDER PLAY : Moby Having Some Fun in Fresh Sierra Snow

Always love hearing mobys LS growl! Looks like it was a great time! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Nice.

Just when you think winter is finally over, mother nature has a way of throwing some more of the white stuff at ya. And, if it's gonna be a powder day, who can resist getting out and doing a little powder playing! It's nothing special but here's a short video clip of Moby having some fun out in some fresh fluffy snow. We hope you enjoy.


And I though Moby was a pet whale untill I watched the video. K8cix
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