SEMA 2012 Sidewall Printer


Staff member
If you could print on your sidewalls, would you and if so, what would you print? Don't know how well it would hold up to off roading if at all but, the idea is interesting. Check it out...





That's about as goofy as those DUB LED light up wheels!! :cheesy:

Might as well put spinners on the Jeep... lol
WHY??:thinking: I do have to hand it to Cindy & Eddie for posting some of the most interesting things I've seen in some time. And so many of them. Most won't make it in the marketplace but you gotta try, right! I'm not into painted sidewalls and those grills that are so popular on the JK's. Call me goofy but I'm still thinking about the rubber paint. No accidental pinstripes, shopping cart dings and parking lot car doors.:idontknow:
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