KEEP IT TIGHT - WIN a Pair of Project-JK Shot Glasses [ENDED]


Staff member

Taking a week off to attend the 2012 Moab Easter Jeep Safari had left us in a hole that's been a real challenge to dig out of. Unfortunately, it has also delayed the completion of the final episode of KEEP IT TIGHT and, while we are getting real close, it's hard to say for sure when it'll be done. So, to help bide the time and making things fun, we thought we'd put out a challenge to all of you to see who can guess what day it'll be completed and, how long will the video be. Post up your answers on this thread and the person who can come the closest to both will win a pair of shot glasses!


So, let's hear what you think? What day will Part 4 of KEEP IT TIGHT be done and, how long will the final video be? Good luck to all of you :cool:
Date and time guess

I'm guessing April 28th and the video will be 15:43. If it's up on that 28th, that'd make a great birthday present! Thanks Eddie (and Cindy) for all the other clips and pictures along with all the write-ups!
My best guess is it will be ready on the 24th and be 18 minutes long! Can't wait!

Thanks Eddie and Cindy.
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