How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?

Damn, any reason why you were going that fast? 🤪
Why not?
What sucks is that it would have been more if the 392 didn't have that stupid speed limiter :rolleyes: 🤪
Ya I was passing someone and it hit the limiter which it does VERY fast lol.
Haha wow! I couldn’t imagine going over anywhere near 80 let alone 100! Death wish? 😂
The 392 travels at 90 plus without issue at all. On the freeway i set the cruise on 90. Ask Eddie it does it very easy and as safe as other cars.
We took 88 to the 49 and then whole bunch of back roads just to explore the farmlands. Everything is super green and wet right now.
You drove right by my house!!! Next time you get stopped in amador county let me know and I’ll make a phone call! I see now you didn’t get a ticket cops around here WILL not give mud flap tickets. Do you know the cops name that she got pulled over by? 7 of the 15 CHP officers are my very good friends and all have jeep also lol.
This is exactly my fear. If I get a ticket by the local cops and just pay it but don't correct the reason, I may become somebody's favorite target. I'll have to see. I guess if I have to I can buy a set of those hitch mounted mudflaps that I can pull off when I hit the dirt.
We had one CHP Lt. that was on a mission hunting for tinted windows and wide tires for years...

Supposedly the windshield on his mustang got chipped following some jacked up truck which set him on the warpath. He transferred a while back and it mellowed out quite a bit, the only people I hear of getting equipment tickets anymore are known for acting and driving like douche bags.
You drove right by my house!!! Next time you get stopped in amador county let me know and I’ll make a phone call! I see now you didn’t get a ticket cops around here WILL not give mud flap tickets. Do you know the cops name that she got pulled over by? 7 of the 15 CHP officers are my very good friends and all have jeep also lol.
Cindy and I looked and saw the big sign for Roaring Camp. Definitely need to stop by sometime and check it out! Would have done it on our way back but all our plans got screwed up. Crazy cool that you know so many of the CHP guys in your area. I'll definitely keep that in mind LOL
Cindy and I looked and saw the big sign for Roaring Camp. Definitely need to stop by sometime and check it out! Would have done it on our way back but all our plans got screwed up. Crazy cool that you know so many of the CHP guys in your area. I'll definitely keep that in mind LOL
Ya whenever your in the area again let me know and I’ll show you around!
Got pulled over doing 99 in the 392 2 days ago.

Nice. Did he write you up for 99 or did the ticket read lower?

I’ve been tagged for speeding but never written up for more than 15 over.

I hope finding this thread doesn’t jinx me…fenders too narrow, no front plate, no rear license plate light. Cut rear plate to fit corner armor…never been f*cked with in CO for any of that stuff…
I'm not sure how many violations your vehicle would have to have in New Mexico to get pulled over. People drive around here with crap falling out of, and off of, their junk and no one says a thing.
Similar in Montana. They actually reward you for having a vehicle over 11 years old, you can get a permanent registration so you don’t have to deal with that annually.
I did get pulled over in Texas in January, but not in my Jeep. We had to go to Alabama on short notice so we rented a 5 series BMW (it was cheap). We were coming back through Texas on 287 near Childress when I saw a Trooper going south, didn't think much of it. We were speeding but not that much and we had been passed a few minutes earlier by a couple of vehicles. When he turned around I was surprised. When he came up to the car he asked for my license and registration. I told him it was a rental. He relaxed, took my license looked around in the car (cooler, jackets, pictures we took from my wife's Grandmothers place all on the back seat) Mentioned a couple of times that he pulled us over for speeding, which I was, and then he told us to have a nice day and drive safely. I told him to be safe, which surprised him, he thanked me and we both went on our way.
I think he saw that BMW and thought he would find a different sort of person driving it.
I did get pulled over in Texas in January, but not in my Jeep. We had to go to Alabama on short notice so we rented a 5 series BMW (it was cheap). We were coming back through Texas on 287 near Childress when I saw a Trooper going south, didn't think much of it. We were speeding but not that much and we had been passed a few minutes earlier by a couple of vehicles. When he turned around I was surprised. When he came up to the car he asked for my license and registration. I told him it was a rental. He relaxed, took my license looked around in the car (cooler, jackets, pictures we took from my wife's Grandmothers place all on the back seat) Mentioned a couple of times that he pulled us over for speeding, which I was, and then he told us to have a nice day and drive safely. I told him to be safe, which surprised him, he thanked me and we both went on our way.
I think he saw that BMW and thought he would find a different sort of person driving it.
Got pulled over in my Cherokee for an expired license plate. Registration was up to date, but the state hadn’t sent the stickers and I forgot about it. I was wearing my Eagle Air Med work shirt. When he saw it, he thanked me. Eagle Air Med was the first responder medical in the area and the officer had worked several accidents where Eagle Air Med flew in to medivac victims. (I worked at Eagle Air Med as an aircraft tech.) Told me to get the sticker taken care of as soon as possible and let me go.
While i have never been pulled over in any of the jeeps I have owned, I did get pulled over going home from college back in the day in the UP of Michigan by87_1.jpg87_2.jpg a state trooper to come out and measure my frame and bumper that he thought was too high per Michigan law. I was like, man I'm going home for spring and minding my own business, and you want to pull out a tape measure and see how far my frame an bumper is off the ground? Hell, I was only running 35" ground hawgs at the time and he let me go but I was pissed to add 45 minutes to an already 10 hour trip from the UP to home downstate.
I'm not sure how many violations your vehicle would have to have in New Mexico to get pulled over. People drive around here with crap falling out of, and off of, their junk and no one says a thing.
New Mexico has a strong anarchist element. A number of times I have seen cars on the highway with totally black windows (so it is impossible to see anything inside at all), and no licence plates or registration stickers. It would take a cop with serious balls to pull over a car like that!
Many years ago I worked for Walmart in Arkansas. I had been up to Bentonville (home office) and headed home. One of our manager trainees had ridden up there with me. I was driving an Audi 5000s which was an awesome ride (when everything worked). I was hauling the mail down those windy mountain roads and came around a turn pretty fast. There was an Arkansas State Trooper sitting there running radar.

I see him pullout and the guy riding with me said ... oh man you just got a ticket. I look over at him and smiled and punch the gas. We take off like a rocket and that guy starts freaking out. Man you better pull over or we will both be in jail. I said screw it let's keep going. The trooper was caught in traffic behind us and I had a clear road ahead.

This goes on for two miles or more. The guy with me is about to crap his britches because I ain't stopping. We go around another curve and I take a hard right on to another road. I pull down about 100 yards off the highway and proceed to put the car in park and turn the engine off. Here comes the Trooper pulling right up behind me with blue lights blazing. My passenger is still freaking out.

I rolled down the window and looked at the trooper and say "Hey Pritchard ... what's up?" Trooper busted out laughing and called me by my name. We both start laughing and the passenger is totally confused. I then let him on the secrete.

You see, I used to be Deputy for the County and I had worked with the Trooper many times. We had a great working relationship and had even hung out a few times when off duty. I had been working for Walmart for about two years so I hadn't seen him in a while. I get out of the car and talk to him for several minutes.

I got back in the car and my passenger said, I know you had to get a ticket for driving like that. No sir! He just said to slow it down. Now I knew who the Trooper was and if I hadn't, I doubt I would have been bold enough to do that. Anyway it makes for a funny story and when recalling this story I still laugh about it. I wish we would have had cell phones with cameras back in that day. It would have made for a great video.
Thankfully, I have not been pulled over in the Jeep as of yet. I’ve only been pulled over once, years ago, in a car I had just bought my wife. It was because I didn’t have the little temporary registration paper in the window.
Totally blew it and forgot to take a pic but probably because I knew I was in for a ticket. Was jamming in our Gladiator along a very remote stretch of Nevada highway and in an area where there are a lot of small hills. And, just as I crested one, I could see in the far distance on top of the next hill, what looked like a state trooper. Even though I killed my cruise control as soon as I saw him and started to slow down, his lights went on and so, I just pulled over. Soon after he caught up to me, he circled around to get behind me, got out of his Explorer, walked up to my window and the first thing he said was, "good lord, how big are your tires?!" After we both laughed a bit, I responded and then he proceeded to tell me how fast he got me at. He then thanked me for pulling over so quickly. He asked for my license and went back to his Explorer and when he came back, he asked if I had my cruise control set. After I confirmed as much, he smiled and asked if I had a chance to calibrate my speedometer for my tires - as in, he was looking for a way to let me off. Of course, I stupid me just told him the truth, that I had and that this was all on me - my cruise was set at 81. After giving me a look like, "hey dumb ass, I'm trying to help out you here", he let me know that this was a bad place to be driving as fast as I was, especially with all the hills and then he went so far as to tell me what I should of had my cruise set at (which was still pretty fast) in order to not get pulled over in the future. And, long story short... the very nice trooper let me off :oops: Man, you should have seen the look on Cindy's face! But, I'm sure it looked about the same as mine! 🤪

Anyway, I'll count this experience as a Christmas gift to me! 😁
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