Go and shove evo up your ass and get over yourself

Say's coming from the most liberal state. Wow your halerious now we go political, just prove's me right how your imachure and stupid u are.

You call people immature (hey look, I spelled it right!), yet you are the one who took a post with the word "snowflake" in it and assumed it was meant politically. That right there is stupidity, but hey what do I know?

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I actually have to write a-lot of reports but since we moved to a new system a-lot of it is now more automated and less handwritten, i'm actually a very professional and easy going guy but once u disrespect me or start saying stupid shit like what was said and think you know everything in the book and your the king i have a big problem and i will call u out on it and stand my ground, i have never been on a forum were i have seen so much hate and one-sided bullshit and people going after each other, if people actually listen and heard other people and there exasperates i think there would be a lot less problems and blow-ups but that doesn't seem to go, i have been told some pretty fuck up things and those people know who they are and will never earn my respect, as for the punctuation yes that is not my strong point and i'm willing to admit that, and with that said there is also auto correct which makes things even worse then what i typed, so till i see the respect and other kind gestures no-one will have my respect except Eddie. Their has been alot of imature and childish behavior in the last to threads that have made it to the infirmary and pretty amusing and mind boggling, the reason bandwagon was used is one person states something then all the other puppies come running and say the same thing.
All I heard was "blah blah blah, I'm a bitch, blah blah blah".
Your ridiculous and annoying and keep posting stop posting insulting comments and maybe i would move on i'm not backing down and i'm standing up for myself u just keep providing more ammunition and stupid shit every time, i haven't done anything wrong but according to the butt hurt and insulting crew i have which really boggles my mind, i post one thing and it blows up into this pretty astonishing and halerious.
Where is the Peewee Herman meme when you need one. "I know you are but what am I!"

I live in CA and this right here is why I'm looking to get the fuck out. Self righteous entitled fuck heads all over. If just one person like this saw how they were behaving and said "Wow I'm an Asshole" and made an effort to change it'd make my day, but no. They always feel the need to go on and on about how they are standing their ground and are not going to take it. Might as well knowingly walk into a gay bar and get pissed off at all the guys buying you drinks. Then start telling them how pussy is so much better and they're all fucked up. Accept it or move on if you don't like it.

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I don't make $36,000 a year i make a lot more, and i receive other incentives and bonuses as-well, my rig is payed for i don't make payments on it i paid cash for it, and i wasn't boasting about me being a copier tech i responding to a statement made that i'm in my mom's basement and keyboard typing, i work 12 hour days and my day starts at 4:30AM, you will never know my wage and the reason i chose that lift is i heard some pretty good things about it and also i have not had any issues with it nor have my other friends that have that lift as-well.

I don't usually respond to these because they are pointless. Pointless but amusing to read sometimes when I don't have anything else to do. That's great that you work long hours, and coming from another hard worker that's great. Now whether it's RC lifts, Teraflex lifts or other things people may give you shit for it. People have their brands and there isn't anything you can say. I'm a chevy guy and always will be, no matter what Ford makes. When people give you shit you can talk shit back. It is what people do. Obviously written communication is the worse form and that is why I think a lot of topics get thrown into here. I would be the first one to say defend yourself, but stay on point. As far as the run on sentences, my dad can't spell for shit so I wouldn't tie your education to your sentences but you see how it just makes you look out of control somewhat? Anyhow, no matter what you say your point won't come across to anyone. So let it be man.

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Step away from the bong, let the smoke clear...as was said in "Attack From Mars"...Can't We All Be friends?...

That was just before the ray gun was energized...

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I don't usually respond to these because they are pointless. Pointless but amusing to read sometimes when I don't have anything else to do. That's great that you work long hours, and coming from another hard worker that's great. Now whether it's RC lifts, Teraflex lifts or other things people may give you shit for it. People have their brands and there isn't anything you can say. I'm a chevy guy and always will be, no matter what Ford makes. When people give you shit you can talk shit back. It is what people do. Obviously written communication is the worse form and that is why I think a lot of topics get thrown into here. I would be the first one to say defend yourself, but stay on point. As far as the run on sentences, my dad can't spell for shit so I wouldn't tie your education to your sentences but you see how it just makes you look out of control somewhat? Anyhow, no matter what you say your point won't come across to anyone. So let it be man.

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I think it's a little late for this guy.
He's on a forum, and doesn't seem to understand that when he says things that aren't correct and/or dumb he'll get called out on them.
Instead posting multiple times spamming "im rite guy your wrong n halerious" it probably would have made more sense to actually research before talking.
If he actually read what I called him out on, I don't even think my posts were harsh. I just called him on his stupid posts
I think it's a little late for this guy.
He's on a forum, and doesn't seem to understand that when he says things that aren't correct and/or dumb he'll get called out on them.
Instead posting multiple times spamming "im rite guy your wrong n halerious" it probably would have made more sense to actually research before talking.
If he actually read what I called him out on, I don't even think my posts were harsh. I just called him on his stupid posts

Yeah I know. Sometimes people just can't stand getting called out/talked shit when they are wrong.

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The way he spells (halerious now we go political, just prove's me right how your imachure and stupid u are) and his run on sentences, he might be a level 1 copier technician. Basically delivering paper and loading the copier. Now level 2 technicians get to actually load the toner and paper.

This has become surreal. Almost like this guy is a novelist who can't sell his work, so he is making this stuff up to try to get a different readership. Doesn't seem possible to be called real. Freaking eerie!!!
The more this goes on, the more I'm wondering if the joke is on us? I mean, really? Can someone actually be this stupid? Have we all been fooled by a true mastermind? If his BS rants are real, the human race is doomed. Send down the meteor shower now and end it.

Sent from my XT1585 using WAYALIFE mobile app
I have 35's on mine with a 4 1/2" lift and the tires are KM2 T\A's.

I don't make $36,000 a year i make a lot more, and i receive other incentives and bonuses as-well, my rig is payed for i don't make payments on it i paid cash for it, and i wasn't boasting about me being a copier tech i responding to a statement made that i'm in my mom's basement and keyboard typing, i work 12 hour days and my day starts at 4:30AM, you will never know my wage and the reason i chose that lift is i heard some pretty good things about it and also i have not had any issues with it nor have my other friends that have that lift as-well.

I'm sure you heard nice things about it from others, like you, that bought it and now refuse to admit they may have fucked up and spent too much for something that belongs in the bottom of the outhouse pond. Like any other infectious disease, the cure is to stop kissing each other's ass, shut up, take some good advice (like that found on this forum), learn and move on to the next thing.
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